I have a sketch that uses the fastLED libary. I am trying to set all the LEDs in a certain patter and animate them. The problem appears when uploading the sketch. When I go to uploading the sketch I get this error and the UNO dissapears from the port menu.
Sketch uses 5834 bytes (18%) of program storage space. Maximum is 32256 bytes.
Global variables use 1042 bytes (50%) of dynamic memory, leaving 1006 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 2048 bytes.
/private/var/folders/7t/592nw3054xqb3c05ylm_gvb40000gn/T/AppTranslocation/9C9A32ED-3DB1-4114-907F-8FFD15195A97/d/Arduino.app/Contents/Java/hardware/tools/avr/bin/avrdude -C/private/var/folders/7t/592nw3054xqb3c05ylm_gvb40000gn/T/AppTranslocation/9C9A32ED-3DB1-4114-907F-8FFD15195A97/d/Arduino.app/Contents/Java/hardware/tools/avr/etc/avrdude.conf -v -patmega328p -carduino -P/dev/cu.usbmodem141401 -b115200 -D -Uflash:w:/var/folders/7t/592nw3054xqb3c05ylm_gvb40000gn/T/arduino_build_317003/ledmatrixtest.ino.hex:i
avrdude: Version 6.3-20190619
Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Brian Dean, http://www.bdmicro.com/
Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Joerg Wunsch
System wide configuration file is "/private/var/folders/7t/592nw3054xqb3c05ylm_gvb40000gn/T/AppTranslocation/9C9A32ED-3DB1-4114-907F-8FFD15195A97/d/Arduino.app/Contents/Java/hardware/tools/avr/etc/avrdude.conf"
User configuration file is "/Users/u6077250/.avrduderc"
User configuration file does not exist or is not a regular file, skipping
Using Port : /dev/cu.usbmodem141401
Using Programmer : arduino
Overriding Baud Rate : 115200
avrdude: ser_open(): can't open device "/dev/cu.usbmodem141401": No such file or directory
avrdude done. Thank you.
Problem uploading to board. See https://support.arduino.cc/hc/en-us/sections/360003198300 for suggestions.
I tried this on the original arduino and also on the rev3 and they both give me the same problem. I am on a mac have tried it on 2 macs at the moment. Here is the sketch of the whole thing:
#include <FastLED.h>
#define NUM_LEDS 256
#define DATA_PIN 6
#define MATRIX_WIDTH 32
void setup() {
int translateToDin (int x, int y) {
if(x%2 == 0) {
return (8 * x) + y;
} else {
return (8 * x) + (8-y-1);
int randled = 0;
void putInBuffer(int position, CRGB matrix[8][8], int row, int column) {
for(int i = 0; i<row;i++) {
for(int j = 0; j<column;j++) {
leds[translateToDin(i+position,j)] = matrix[j][i];
int looper = 0;
void loop() {
// leds[0] = CRGB::Blue;
// leds[1] = CRGB::Red;
// leds[2] = CRGB::Yellow;
// leds[3] = CRGB::Black;
// leds[4] = CRGB::Orange;
// leds[5] = CRGB::White;
//need to specify a matrix in a grid
//need a way to move the matrix in the whole buffer
CRGB yellowblack[8][8] = {
{CRGB::Black, CRGB::Yellow,CRGB::Yellow,CRGB::Yellow,CRGB::Yellow,CRGB::Yellow,CRGB::Yellow,CRGB::Yellow},
{CRGB::Black, CRGB::Black, CRGB::Yellow,CRGB::Yellow,CRGB::Yellow,CRGB::Yellow,CRGB::Yellow,CRGB::Yellow},
{CRGB::Black, CRGB::Black, CRGB::Black, CRGB::Yellow,CRGB::Yellow,CRGB::Yellow,CRGB::Yellow,CRGB::Yellow},
{CRGB::Black, CRGB::Black, CRGB::Black, CRGB::Black, CRGB::Yellow,CRGB::Yellow,CRGB::Yellow,CRGB::Yellow},
{CRGB::Black, CRGB::Black, CRGB::Black, CRGB::Black, CRGB::Black, CRGB::Yellow,CRGB::Yellow,CRGB::Yellow},
{CRGB::Black, CRGB::Black, CRGB::Black, CRGB::Black, CRGB::Black, CRGB::Black, CRGB::Yellow,CRGB::Yellow},
{CRGB::Black, CRGB::Black, CRGB::Black, CRGB::Black, CRGB::Black, CRGB::Black, CRGB::Black, CRGB::Yellow}
CRGB redyellow[8][8] = {
{CRGB::Black, CRGB::Black, CRGB::Black, CRGB::Black, CRGB::Black, CRGB::Black, CRGB::Black, CRGB::Black}
putInBuffer(looper + 8,redyellow,8,8);
putInBuffer(looper + 16,redyellow,8,8);
putInBuffer(looper + 24,redyellow,8,8);
// looper++;
// if(looper==8) {
// looper = 0;
// }
The problem usually happens when I uncomment the 5 lines at the bottom on the sketch. I cant figure out what could cause this.