Cannot get NRF24L01 Modules to communicate

I have been trying to get this to work for about the past week. I have done a fair bit of arduino coding, but have never used wireless modules before. I have downloaded the RF24 Library and reverted it to version 1.1.7 as suggested by Robin2. I have also been trying to get these to work by using the example code he provied.

Simple TX:

// SimpleTx - the master or the transmitter

#include <SPI.h>
#include <nRF24L01.h>
#include <RF24.h>

#define CE_PIN   9
#define CSN_PIN 10

const byte slaveAddress[5] = {'R','x','A','A','A'};

RF24 radio(CE_PIN, CSN_PIN); // Create a Radio

char dataToSend[10] = "Message 0";
char txNum = '0';

unsigned long currentMillis;
unsigned long prevMillis;
unsigned long txIntervalMillis = 1000; // send once per second

void setup() {


    Serial.println("SimpleTx Starting");

    radio.setDataRate( RF24_250KBPS );
    radio.setRetries(3,5); // delay, count


void loop() {
    currentMillis = millis();
    if (currentMillis - prevMillis >= txIntervalMillis) {
        prevMillis = millis();


void send() {

    bool rslt;
    rslt = radio.write( &dataToSend, sizeof(dataToSend) );
        // Always use sizeof() as it gives the size as the number of bytes.
        // For example if dataToSend was an int sizeof() would correctly return 2

    Serial.print("Data Sent ");
    if (rslt) {
        Serial.println("  Acknowledge received");
    else {
        Serial.println("  Tx failed");


void updateMessage() {
        // so you can see that new data is being sent
    txNum += 1;
    if (txNum > '9') {
        txNum = '0';
    dataToSend[8] = txNum;

And Simple RX:

// SimpleRx - the slave or the receiver

#include <SPI.h>
#include <nRF24L01.h>
#include <RF24.h>

#define CE_PIN   9
#define CSN_PIN 10

const byte thisSlaveAddress[5] = {'R','x','A','A','A'};

RF24 radio(CE_PIN, CSN_PIN);

char dataReceived[10]; // this must match dataToSend in the TX
bool newData = false;


void setup() {


    Serial.println("SimpleRx Starting");
    radio.setDataRate( RF24_250KBPS );
    radio.openReadingPipe(1, thisSlaveAddress);


void loop() {


void getData() {
    if ( radio.available() ) { &dataReceived, sizeof(dataReceived) );
        newData = true;

void showData() {
    if (newData == true) {
        Serial.print("Data received ");
        newData = false;

I'm honestly stuck on what to do....any suggestions?

EDIT: I had the Tx Code pasted twice. Changed the second one to the Rx code I'm using

Here are some screen shots....

Sorry this is broken up...I cant post more than one embedded item yet...

This is the connection test of the modules from the Example Code given in the RF24 library

Power each module using two AA cells, not the Arduino power.

Here is the schematic of how I'm wiring each board. The posotioning isn't exactly correct because I made the schematic so It is easier to read. Im supplying external voltage via 2 D batteries since it was what i had laying around. Both are Adrduino Unos with the NRF24 Modules connected via the breakout boards they came with directly wired to the arduinos

It sounds like you have the power, #1 usual problem, taken care. The hardware tests look OK to my untrained eye, compared to the data from a couple of my known good rf24 modules.

I can offer the usual suspects that I have gathered,

If you read and, closely, follow Robin2's simple rf24 tutorial you should be able to get them working. That tutorial sure helped me. The code in the examples has been proven to work many many times. If it does not work for you, there is likely a hardware problem.

Make sure the rf24 power supply can provide enough current. This is especially true for the high power (external antenna) modules. I use homemade adapters like these. They are powered by 5V and have a 3.3V regulator on the board. Robin2 also has suggested trying with a 2 AA cell battery pack.

If using the high powered radios make sure to separate them by a few meters. They may not work too close together. Try the lower power settings.

Reset the radios by cycling power to them after uploading new code. I have found that to help. They do not reset with the Arduino.

Switch to 1MB data rate to catch the not so cloned clones.
radio.setDataRate( RF24_1MBPS );

Also for some clones, change TMRh20's RF24.cpp line 44

Have a look at the common problems page.

You appear to have the TX code twice in your OP so we can't see what RX code you are using.

Thank you for pointing that out! I just updated the OP to have the correct Rx Code I was using!

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