Cannot install the drivers for Arduino Uno at Windows 7. I am not pointing FTDI

I followed every step with care. I use windows 7, arduino UNO. I am sure I am using most recent versions of all. I have two lights on arduino and windows knows something is there. So its not the device most likely. Here is what I did until now:

As described in Arduino website, I only point the D:Arduino\drivers folder, not FTDI (although desperately tried that too). I can see the inf folder when I navigate there but apperantly windows cant.

I get a message like "Windows cannot find the software for driver upgrade." I tried installing it manually by choosing let me choose from the drivers list in my computer. Tried both Arduino LLC and Arduino Srl there, none worked. I get an error like "device cannot be started - code 10"

I also tried arduino ERW, which did not help as well.

I installed devcon64.exe which located in drivers folder and it did not help.

I unzipped and see if it would recognize any other, no. It did not.

So, what do I do?

Can you recall what the board was recognized as inside the Device Manager before you attempted to installed the drivers?

If not could you uninstall the drivers, unplug and reinsert the USB cord and then check. Let me know the outcome and I will try my best to guide you through to getting the board functional.

It says USB2.0-Serial with a yellow warning sign. When I try to install Arduino manually it turns to Arduino Uno with the same warning sign since is recognizes the board (or at least recognizes that I am trying to install Arduino Uno) but its not functioning.

Thanks for the help :slight_smile: I am waiting for your suggestions.

Okay. If you don't mind me asking, where did you purchase your board? I have never seen a original Arduino Identify itself in that manner.

Its a local electronics shop in Turkey. Shop itself did not seem like a legit distributer but the arduino had nothing that made me suspect of such a thing. It was the same up to its enclosures. So if it is a copy somehow, they must be pretty good at it.

Okay, see if you can identify the USB-to-Serial chip being used by your particular board. You might have to use a magnifying glass. The chip in question can be found in the general region of the red circle on the following picture.

It seems like a rectangle, not like a square in the picture. And ch340g-202685401 is written on top of it.

Since you gave me an idea about which IC might be responsible for the serial communication, I did some further search and found driver installer in this chinese website:

and it works with it.

On the other hand, I'm afraid that the board is probably a copy that somehow vendor bought cheap from china since it uses a different IC. I doubt if Arduino IC's change from region to region. In any case, I will definitely note down some details to check before I buy my next Arduino product.

Thanks for the response you helped quite a lot :slight_smile: