I am having huge difficulties to launch Arduino IDE. When trying to launch it just shows starting window briefly and then it goes away. I run arduino_debug.exe in cmd and got this out of it. It seems the system cannot find specific path.
I am running 64bit Win7.
Any idea how to resolve this?
C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino>arduino_debug.exe
Looking for library 'user32'
Adding paths from jna.library.path: null
Trying user32.dll
Found library 'user32' at user32.dll
DPI detection failed, fallback to 96 dpi
Looking for library 'shell32'
Adding paths from jna.library.path: null
Trying shell32.dll
Found library 'shell32' at shell32.dll
Looking for library 'Ole32'
Adding paths from jna.library.path: null
Trying Ole32.dll
Found library 'Ole32' at Ole32.dll
Looking for library 'kernel32'
Adding paths from jna.library.path: null
Trying kernel32.dll
Found library 'kernel32' at kernel32.dll
com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Win32Exception: The system cannot find the path specified.
at com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Shell32Util.getFolderPath(Shell32Util.java:48)
at com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Shell32Util.getFolderPath(Shell32Util.java:61)
at cc.arduino.os.windows.Win32KnownFolders.getDocumentsFolder(Win32KnownFolders.java:71)
at processing.app.windows.Platform.recoverDefaultSketchbookFolder(Platform.java:76)
at processing.app.windows.Platform.init(Platform.java:55)
at processing.app.Base.(Base.java:197)
at processing.app.Base.main(Base.java:140)
I have exacting the same problem in windows 7, 64 bit. I downloaded arduino-1.8.5.zip for Windows and unzipped. When I run arduino_debug.exe I get the same errors:
Looking for library 'user32'
Adding paths from jna.library.path: null
Trying user32.dll
Found library 'user32' at user32.dll
DPI detection failed, fallback to 96 dpi
Looking for library 'shell32'
Adding paths from jna.library.path: null
Trying shell32.dll
Found library 'shell32' at shell32.dll
Looking for library 'Ole32'
Adding paths from jna.library.path: null
Trying Ole32.dll
Found library 'Ole32' at Ole32.dll
Looking for library 'kernel32'
Adding paths from jna.library.path: null
Trying kernel32.dll
Found library 'kernel32' at kernel32.dll
com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Win32Exception: The system cannot find the file speci
at com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Shell32Util.getFolderPath(Shell32Util.java
at com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Shell32Util.getFolderPath(Shell32Util.java
at cc.arduino.os.windows.Win32KnownFolders.getDocumentsFolder(Win32Known
at processing.app.windows.Platform.recoverDefaultSketchbookFolder(Platfo
at processing.app.windows.Platform.init(Platform.java:55)
at processing.app.Base.(Base.java:201)
at processing.app.Base.main(Base.java:144)
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Mention if you are using AI generated code it is important information.
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Well I read that post and found no help from it. I did that already before sending my post here. If you mean that I should ask Google first... well I did that for a good 2-3 hours and tried several thinks which supposed to solve this issue but none of them worked. So eventually I tried to ask some help from here. Maybe I am not that good with the Google...
Did it, of course. I did something wrong in my first post? Maybe I should have used code style to post the log from windows console, otherwise I don't know what I did wrong :o
Thanks for the answer anyway.
The computer is new.
I took the zip Arduino IDE and unzipped it.
I have Eclipse IDE on my PC.
I didn't change sketches location, because Arduino IDE don't starts.
I created the portable folder by hand, the IDE still don't starts and portable folder is not populated.
Maybe it's not working because I don't have admin rights on the computer and the IDE is trying to create some folders in forbidden places...I will check it on another computer where I have admin rights.
I finally found out what is wrong in my setup. This is a corporate laptop (I have admin rights so no problems there) and some stuff is controlled by my IT department.
For some reason Arduino IDE wants to setup libraries and sketch folder to my network drive which is not available without VPN connection (doing this Arduino stuff from home as proper employee should ;)). This is first installation/program which is creating some folders to network drive so I did not know from where to search the problem. All other programs are asking where to create user folders or those are automatically created to local hard drive. As the Arduino IDE cannot connect to my company network drive without VPN it closes itself without any notification.
This is now just a little problematic when I do not have network available. Now I am trying to find how can I set it up so that those folders are in my hard drive. So far I have had no luck with that...
It sounds like you may be better with the unzipped version rather than a full install.
Not sure why the full install wants to set up outside the local drive so as you say maybe an IT dept. setup issue.
Corporate and Educational boxes can be very fiddly to set up. Also be aware that a "user" with admin rights is NOT THE SAME as a full administrator.
Attaching some clean up help in case you want to try the unzipped version.
Thanks ballscrewbob! I tired that unzipped already some time ago but it did not work... until now when I did that clean up. Thanks for those instructions! Now it works without network drive.
I have a similar problem in that the Arduino 1.8.9 IDE starts the splash screen then disappears. I tried run the arduino_debug.exe and I get a message but the program goes away as well. I can't read that fast. I have reloaded three times today with both the Zip and Exe versions. I went to C:\user\paul\appdata\local\arduino15 and removed all but the preferences.txt file. Restarted the computer with no result. Can anyone help