Cannot read Pixel data using TFT_eSPI

I'm using Bodmer's TFT_eSPI library with 4.0inch_SPI_Module_MSP4021 color TFT LCD with touch.
I've successfully run about 1/2 the examples. However I cannot read the pixel data using the
Cannot read Pixel data using TFT_eSPI library and their example (below).

Has anyone successfully read the pixel data with this setup?


// Walking 1 write and read pixel test

#include <TFT_eSPI.h>
#include <SPI.h>

#define TDELAY 500

TFT_eSPI tft = TFT_eSPI(); 

void setup() {


void loop() {
  static uint32_t wr = 1;
  static uint32_t rd = 0xFFFFFFFF;


  Serial.print(" Pixel value written = ");Serial.println(wr,HEX);
  rd = tft.readPixel(30,30);
                Serial.print(" Pixel value read    = ");Serial.println(rd,HEX);

  if (rd!=wr) {
    Serial.println(" ERROR                 ^^^^");
    //while(1) yield();
  else Serial.println(" PASS ");
  // Walking 1 test
  wr = wr<<1;
  if (wr >= 0x10000) wr = 1;

Maybe you have a write-only display. Post a link, then someone can check.


Your display uses SPI. I assume you have connected TFT pin 9 to MISO.

Some controllers need a slower SPI speed for read. Most send a garbage byte first.
But TFT_eSPI should handle this. I am not familiar with the actual version.
Maybe @bodmer will notice your topic.

Yes I have the MISO pin 9 going to my D1 Mini pin_D6.