Cannot upload to Pro Mini - Out of Sync

I am trying to upload just the basic Blink LED example to an Arduino Pro Mini and keep getting out of sync errors. I've tried several different cables and 3 different Minis to no avail.

Two of the minis I know work and I somehow uploaded a hex firmware to it because there is output to the serial monitor.

Ive tried all in the photo:


Are you using the "old bootloader" setting in the IDE? ISTR (I may be wrong) that the Pro Mini may need that version.
Ahh. See this post, yesterday.


Tried that as well. Same result.

Have you tried a manual reset ?

That is not a very good picture. How old is your phone ?

The red USB to TTL definitely needs a manual reset at the moment compile has been completed.

Are they 5v/16MHz pro-minis ?

Yes. I've tried manual reset. They are 5v/16mhz Pro-Minis.

Sorry about the pic, here are some better ones:

So the cp2102 is a sort of module i have though with issues since it is not a 'true-prolific' (at least mine isn't) so has the driver for that been installed correctly ?

is that what what the markings on the crystal say ?

Is it a 328p or a 168 ? i mean what does it say on it, and/or have you tried both options ?

How about doing the euclid thing and trying every version of the processor with all the options of the port and all the options of programmer?
Also do you have the right USB drivers? Try googling (OS) USB drivers fir (name of board)
Just a thought because my MacBook Pro refuses to see a Nano that I programmed on it half an hour earlier without being restarted or going to sleep and the way to trick them both is to do the stupid try-options-you-know-are-wrong thing.

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