Can't bring up bmp spiff on Adafruit_ST7735

I tried to make an icon for my TFT LCD ST7735 but when I uploaded only a white screen appeared for the image but for plain text it was normal. What is wrong?

#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>    // Core graphics library
#include <Adafruit_ST7735.h> // Hardware-specific library for ST7735
#include <SPI.h>
#include <SPIFFS.h>          // Library for SPIFFS

// Pin definitions for ESP32
#define TFT_SDA  23  // SDA
#define TFT_RST  21  // RST
#define TFT_SCL  18  // SCL
#define TFT_DC   4   // A0
#define TFT_CS   17  // CS
#define TFT_LED  16  // LED+

// Create the TFT object
Adafruit_ST7735 tft = Adafruit_ST7735(TFT_CS, TFT_DC, TFT_SDA, TFT_SCL, TFT_RST);

// Pin analog untuk sensor ACS712
const int BRAKE_PIN = 26;
const int RIGHT_R_PIN = 25;
const int LEFT_R_PIN = 33;
const int TURN_F_PIN = 32;
const int HAZARD_PIN = 35;
const int RF_PIN = 34;
const int LF_PIN = 39;
const int HORN = 36;

const float SENSITIVITY = 0.185; // Sensitivitas ACS712 (185 mV/A untuk 5A)
const float THRESHOLD = 0.1; // Ambang batas arus (dalam ampere)

bool allGood = true;
const int ICON_SIZE = 16; // Ukuran ikon (lebar dan tinggi)
const int ICON_SPACING = 4; // Jarak antar ikon

// Simbol ikon (Good dan Error) disimpan di SPIFFS
// Tidak lagi menggunakan PROGMEM, jadi penghapusan bagian PROGMEM tidak diperlukan

void setup(void) {
  Serial.print(F("Hello! ST77xx TFT Test"));

  pinMode(TFT_LED, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(TFT_LED, HIGH);

  tft.initR(INITR_BLACKTAB);      // Init ST7735S chip, black tab


  tft.setRotation(1); // Rotate display 90°

  // Inisialisasi SPIFFS
    Serial.println("SPIFFS Mount Failed");

void loop() {
  allGood = true; // Set allGood to true at the beginning of each loop
  checkLamp("BRAKE", BRAKE_PIN);
  checkLamp("RIGHT_R", RIGHT_R_PIN);
  checkLamp("LEFT_R", LEFT_R_PIN);
  checkLamp("TURN_F", TURN_F_PIN);
  checkLamp("HAZARD", HAZARD_PIN);
  checkLamp("RF", RF_PIN);
  checkLamp("LF", LF_PIN);
  checkLamp("HORN", HORN);
  if (allGood) {

  delay(1000); // Tunggu 1 detik sebelum pengukuran berikutnya

void checkLamp(const char* lampName, int pin) {
  float current = measureCurrent(pin);
  Serial.print(": ");
  const char* status;

  if (current < THRESHOLD) {
    status = "ERROR";
    allGood = false;
    displayIcon(lampName, false); // Tampilkan ikon error di tengah
  } else {
    status = "GOOD";
    if (allGood) {
      displayIcon(lampName, true); // Tampilkan ikon good di atas

float measureCurrent(int pin) {
  int rawValue = analogRead(pin);
  float voltage = (rawValue / 4095.0) * 3.3; // Konversi ke tegangan (ESP32 ADC: 12-bit, 3.3V)
  float offsetVoltage = 1.65; // Tegangan offset ACS712 (setengah dari Vcc)
  float current = (voltage - offsetVoltage) / SENSITIVITY;
  return abs(current);

void displayIcon(const char* lampName, bool isGood) {
  const char* iconFileName;

  if (strcmp(lampName, "BRAKE") == 0) {
    iconFileName = isGood ? "/brake_good.bmp" : "/brake_error.bmp";
  } else if (strcmp(lampName, "RIGHT_R") == 0) {
    iconFileName = isGood ? "/right_r_good.bmp" : "/right_r_error.bmp";
  } else if (strcmp(lampName, "LEFT_R") == 0) {
    iconFileName = isGood ? "/left_r_good.bmp" : "/left_r_error.bmp";
  } else if (strcmp(lampName, "TURN_F") == 0) {
    iconFileName = isGood ? "/turn_f_good.bmp" : "/turn_f_error.bmp";
  } else if (strcmp(lampName, "HAZARD") == 0) {
    iconFileName = isGood ? "/hazard_good.bmp" : "/hazard_error.bmp";
  } else if (strcmp(lampName, "RF") == 0) {
    iconFileName = isGood ? "/rf_good.bmp" : "/rf_error.bmp";
  } else if (strcmp(lampName, "LF") == 0) {
    iconFileName = isGood ? "/lf_good.bmp" : "/lf_error.bmp";
  } else if (strcmp(lampName, "HORN") == 0) {
    iconFileName = isGood ? "/horn_good.bmp" : "/horn_error.bmp";
  } else {
    return; // Jika nama lampu tidak sesuai, keluar dari fungsi

  // Tentukan posisi ikon
  int x = isGood ? ICON_SIZE * (8 - 1) + ICON_SPACING * (8 - 1) : (tft.width() - ICON_SIZE) / 2;
  int y = isGood ? 0 : (tft.height() - ICON_SIZE) / 2;

  // Gambar ikon dari file di SPIFFS
  drawBmp(iconFileName, x, y);

void drawBmp(const char *filename, int16_t x, int16_t y) {
  if ((x >= tft.width()) || (y >= tft.height())) return;

  File bmpFile =, "r");
  if (!bmpFile) {
    Serial.print(F("File not found: "));

  // Info header BMP
  uint32_t bmpWidth, bmpHeight;
  uint8_t bmpDepth, header[54];

  // Read BMP header
  if (, 54) != 54) {
    Serial.println(F("Not a BMP file"));

  // Extract image dimensions and depth from header
  bmpWidth = *(int32_t *)&header[18];
  bmpHeight = *(int32_t *)&header[22];
  bmpDepth = header[28];

  if (bmpDepth != 24) {
    Serial.println(F("Image is not 24-bit"));

  // Set row size based on BMP format
  uint32_t rowSize = (bmpWidth * 3 + 3) & ~3;

  // Set starting position in the file
  uint32_t bmpImageoffset = *(uint32_t *)&header[10];;

  uint8_t sdbuffer[3 * ICON_SIZE];
  uint8_t buffidx = sizeof(sdbuffer);

  for (int i = 0; i < bmpHeight; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < bmpWidth; j++) {
      if (buffidx >= sizeof(sdbuffer)) {, sizeof(sdbuffer));
        buffidx = 0;

      uint8_t b = sdbuffer[buffidx++];
      uint8_t g = sdbuffer[buffidx++];
      uint8_t r = sdbuffer[buffidx++];

      tft.drawPixel(x + j, y + (bmpHeight - 1 - i), tft.color565(r, g, b));


void displayIconsAllGood() {
  // Bersihkan layar

  // Tampilkan semua ikon "GOOD" secara berderet di atas layar
  for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
    int x = i * (ICON_SIZE + ICON_SPACING);
    int y = 0; // Posisikan di atas layar
    // Misalnya untuk ikon BRAKE
    drawBmp("/brake_good.bmp", x, y);
    drawBmp("/right_r_good.bmp", x, y);
    drawBmp("/left_r_good.bmp", x, y);
    drawBmp("/turn_f_good.bmp", x, y);
    drawBmp("/hazard_good.bmp", x, y);
    drawBmp("/rf_good.bmp", x, y);
    drawBmp("/lf_good.bmp", x, y);
    drawBmp("/horn_good.bmp", x, y);

how did you create the icons ?
write a small code testing them rather than using your full code

I called it to appear in the display on the TFT LCD but what happened was after setup the screen turned white so the .bmp file in the spiff could not be called

No display

void loop() {
  allGood = true; // Set allGood to true at the beginning of each loop
  checkLamp("BRAKE", BRAKE_PIN);
  checkLamp("RIGHT_R", RIGHT_R_PIN);
  checkLamp("LEFT_R", LEFT_R_PIN);
  checkLamp("TURN_F", TURN_F_PIN);
  checkLamp("HAZARD", HAZARD_PIN);
  checkLamp("RF", RF_PIN);
  checkLamp("LF", LF_PIN);
  checkLamp("HORN", HORN);
  if (allGood) {

  delay(1000); // Tunggu 1 detik sebelum pengukuran berikutnya

void checkLamp(const char* lampName, int pin) {
  float current = measureCurrent(pin);
  Serial.print(": ");
  const char* status;

  if (current < THRESHOLD) {
    status = "ERROR";
    allGood = false;
    displayIcon(lampName, false); // Tampilkan ikon error di tengah
  } else {
    status = "GOOD";
    if (allGood) {
      displayIcon(lampName, true); // Tampilkan ikon good di atas

float measureCurrent(int pin) {
  int rawValue = analogRead(pin);
  float voltage = (rawValue / 4095.0) * 3.3; // Konversi ke tegangan (ESP32 ADC: 12-bit, 3.3V)
  float offsetVoltage = 1.65; // Tegangan offset ACS712 (setengah dari Vcc)
  float current = (voltage - offsetVoltage) / SENSITIVITY;
  return abs(current);

void displayIcon(const char* lampName, bool isGood) {
  const char* iconFileName;

  if (strcmp(lampName, "BRAKE") == 0) {
    iconFileName = isGood ? "/brake_good.bmp" : "/brake_error.bmp";
  } else if (strcmp(lampName, "RIGHT_R") == 0) {
    iconFileName = isGood ? "/right_r_good.bmp" : "/right_r_error.bmp";
  } else if (strcmp(lampName, "LEFT_R") == 0) {
    iconFileName = isGood ? "/left_r_good.bmp" : "/left_r_error.bmp";
  } else if (strcmp(lampName, "TURN_F") == 0) {
    iconFileName = isGood ? "/turn_f_good.bmp" : "/turn_f_error.bmp";
  } else if (strcmp(lampName, "HAZARD") == 0) {
    iconFileName = isGood ? "/hazard_good.bmp" : "/hazard_error.bmp";
  } else if (strcmp(lampName, "RF") == 0) {
    iconFileName = isGood ? "/rf_good.bmp" : "/rf_error.bmp";
  } else if (strcmp(lampName, "LF") == 0) {
    iconFileName = isGood ? "/lf_good.bmp" : "/lf_error.bmp";
  } else if (strcmp(lampName, "HORN") == 0) {
    iconFileName = isGood ? "/horn_good.bmp" : "/horn_error.bmp";
  } else {
    return; // Jika nama lampu tidak sesuai, keluar dari fungsi

  // Tentukan posisi ikon
  int x = isGood ? ICON_SIZE * (8 - 1) + ICON_SPACING * (8 - 1) : (tft.width() - ICON_SIZE) / 2;
  int y = isGood ? 0 : (tft.height() - ICON_SIZE) / 2;

  // Gambar ikon dari file di SPIFFS
  drawBmp(iconFileName, x, y);

void drawBmp(const char *filename, int16_t x, int16_t y) {
  if ((x >= tft.width()) || (y >= tft.height())) return;

  File bmpFile =, "r");
  if (!bmpFile) {
    Serial.print(F("File not found: "));

  // Info header BMP
  uint32_t bmpWidth, bmpHeight;
  uint8_t bmpDepth, header[54];

  // Read BMP header
  if (, 54) != 54) {
    Serial.println(F("Not a BMP file"));

  // Extract image dimensions and depth from header
  bmpWidth = *(int32_t *)&header[18];
  bmpHeight = *(int32_t *)&header[22];
  bmpDepth = header[28];

  if (bmpDepth != 24) {
    Serial.println(F("Image is not 24-bit"));

  // Set row size based on BMP format
  uint32_t rowSize = (bmpWidth * 3 + 3) & ~3;

  // Set starting position in the file
  uint32_t bmpImageoffset = *(uint32_t *)&header[10];;

  uint8_t sdbuffer[3 * ICON_SIZE];
  uint8_t buffidx = sizeof(sdbuffer);

  for (int i = 0; i < bmpHeight; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < bmpWidth; j++) {
      if (buffidx >= sizeof(sdbuffer)) {, sizeof(sdbuffer));
        buffidx = 0;

      uint8_t b = sdbuffer[buffidx++];
      uint8_t g = sdbuffer[buffidx++];
      uint8_t r = sdbuffer[buffidx++];

      tft.drawPixel(x + j, y + (bmpHeight - 1 - i), tft.color565(r, g, b));


void displayIconsAllGood() {
  // Bersihkan layar

  // Tampilkan semua ikon "GOOD" secara berderet di atas layar
  for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
    int x = i * (ICON_SIZE + ICON_SPACING);
    int y = 0; // Posisikan di atas layar
    // Misalnya untuk ikon BRAKE
    drawBmp("/brake_good.bmp", x, y);
    drawBmp("/right_r_good.bmp", x, y);
    drawBmp("/left_r_good.bmp", x, y);
    drawBmp("/turn_f_good.bmp", x, y);
    drawBmp("/hazard_good.bmp", x, y);
    drawBmp("/rf_good.bmp", x, y);
    drawBmp("/lf_good.bmp", x, y);
    drawBmp("/horn_good.bmp", x, y);

What does the Serial output show on the serial monitor?