Can't connect to Nano 33 IoT , Is it bootloader touble?

Upload failed: Upload error: Exit status 1

Device not found: When I tried to run the flashROM access example using <FlashAsEEPROM.h> on the arduino nano 33IOTI, I suddenly started getting this error. It was working fine until then. The relevant part of the error "No device found on COM3 Failed uploading: uploading error: exit status 1" is "upload port not found", which means that the board did not respond to the software reset issued by the IDE This means that the board did not respond to the software reset issued by the IDE. COM3 in Windows device manager does not go away after removing the board; the orange light on LED_BUILTIN(D13) is blinking on the new one, but stays off on the defective one.

After reading the forum post, I also tried double tapping the reset button on the board at the same time as powering up as a general solution.

I read Installing an Arduino Bootloader - SparkFun Learn

The bootloader is not working properly and you may need to reinstall the bootloader. The easiest way to do this is to reinstall the bootloader and restore the factory settings. I have seen boards with the serial port turned off, which means there is no way to upload code to the board.

Any valuable suggestions on a less expensive and easier way to restore the board would be helpful. Thank you very much.

The SparkFun link does not cater for the Nano 33 IoT

Is only the 'faulty' board connected tothe PC? Or also another one (your working one, and Uno, ...)?

With only the 'faulty' board connected, start an upload of the blink sketch; just before (!) the IDE reports the memory usage, double-tap the reset.

If that does not work, what happens in windows device manager when you double-tap the reset button?

Try with a double reset

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