Can't control DC motors with Arduino Due?

Hello guys,
I am trying to drive a DC motor with Arduino Due and L293D Motor Shield but using this simple (and others) code my motor wont even turn (12v).
I tried with a multimeter and i noticed that i have 0v on all M and 12v in EXT_POWER, with jumper in and off.
Which problem coult it be?

void setup() {
  pinMode(12,OUTPUT);     //Channel A Direction Pin Initialize

void loop() {
  analogWrite(11, 0);      //Channel A Speed 0%
  delay(100);             //100ms Safety Delay
  digitalWrite(12, HIGH); //Channel A Direction Forward
  analogWrite(11, 255);    //Channel A Speed 100%
  delay(1000);            //1 Second Delay
  analogWrite(11, 0);      //Channel A Speed 0%
  delay(100);             //100ms Safety Delay
  digitalWrite(12, LOW);  //Channel A Direction Reverse
  analogWrite(11, 255);    //Channel A Speed 100%

Please supply a circuit.

Hand drawn and clear photograph will do.


Do you have a high enough voltage to the L293's VCC1 logic supply? If that's hooked up to the Due it will be getting 3.3 but it needs 4.5 to 7 according to L293 datasheet.

But as weedpharma says, let's see a schematic....

Please supply a circuit.

Hand drawn and clear photograph will do.


i Just plugged in a 12v 1.5A AC Adapter into Arduino Due Power plug and then connected a common DC Motor in M1 pins

So you don't have any power at all to the motor shield?

Why not draw an accurate circuit rather than vague descriptions that are incomplete? Every detail
matters in a circuit, so show it all.

This is my setup

OP's link, inline.... for what it's worth

*right message, the other one has a wrong image

What voltage do you have on the 293's pin 16, which needs to be >4.5 to drive the chip? See datasheet.

OP could be doing this his/her self grrrrrrr:

I'm out until we get an answer on 293's pin 16's voltage.... is it getting 4.5-7? If not the chip's turned off.

OP could be doing this his/her self grrrrrrr:

I'm out until we get an answer on 293's pin 16's voltage.... is it getting 4.5-7? If not the chip's turned off.

There is not a pin 16, or i am wrong?

There is not a pin 16, or i am wrong?

Of the 293 chip itself, not the shield.

Look for the 293 on the shield, find the little cut-out "U" thingy which means the top, and pin 16 is to its right. Check the datasheet.....

293 pins.JPG

I have 4.95v on all 3 chips

I have 4.95v on all 3 chips

Ok well that answers the querstion I asked 4h ago in #2. :confused:

Now what's on pin 8, VCC2 the motor voltage?

Ok well that answers the querstion I asked 4h ago in #2. :confused:

Now what's on pin 8, VCC2 the motor voltage?

12v in first and last, 0 in the middle one

Are there actually 3x 293s on the shield? I wonder which one is proving the power to the connector you're using for the motor.

Apart from that, are you enabling the motors though: you need 5V on 293 pin 1 for a 293's "left side motor" and 5V on 293 pin 8 for the "right side motor". I don't know which Arduino pins those translate to.

And then you need high/low or low/high on 293's pin 2/7 for left side and 293's pin 10/15 for the right, whatever Arduino pins those connect to.

Are there actually 3x 293s on the shield? I wonder which one is proving the power to the connector you're using for the motor.

Apart from that, are you enabling the motors though: you need 5V on 293 pin 1 for a 293's "left side motor" and 5V on 293 pin 8 for the "right side motor". I don't know which Arduino pins those translate to.

And then you need high/low or low/high on 293's pin 2/7 for left side and 293's pin 10/15 for the right, whatever Arduino pins those connect to.

Uhm so i should change my code to try right side motors?
also isnt 8 going to C8?