Can't delete IDE 2 preferences on macOS

I'm trying to reinstall the Arduino IDE 2.0 from a 100% clean state on macOS, but despite deleting ~/Arduino15 and my best efforts to find and delete all Arduino files in ~/Library, when I reinstall the IDE, it still remembers preferences such as the IDE theme and board manager URLs.

Can somebody tell me where these preferences are saved?
(It's not ~/Library/Preferences/cc.arduino.IDE2.plist, because I deleted that one too.)

This is actually blocking my work because I've somehow arrived in a state that produces a bug that seemingly can't be reproduced on other computers, so it's important that I remove all traces of Arduino.

Thank you for any suggestions!

Did you reboot or logout after deleting the files?

Hi @scottamain. Unlike Arduino IDE 1.x, 2.x does not store preferences in that Arduino15 folder.

There are two other folders it uses to store information:

~/Library/Application Support/arduino-ide/

Clearing those should be adequate to put your system back into the pre-install state.

Thank you for the quick response, @ptillisch! Indeed the .arduinoIDE path had evaded me and that's where these preferences were held.

Bitter-sweet result, though, because although that did not solve the issue I was trying to smoke-out, eliminating that theory did refocus my efforts and I discovered the root cause somewhere else completely (not in the IDE). Whew!

You are welcome. I'm glad you were able to solve the problem after all.


Just being curious here - That’s not a good practice on macOS… why was this choice made when there is a full preference API available and documented?

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