i'm new for learning radio frequencies
i'm try to use this program from http://www.instructables.com/id/RF-315433-MHz-Transmitter-receiver-Module-and-Ardu/. But the result isn't like the example
i follow every direction and still can't works
please help me
(bellow i attach my programming)
programming.txt (1.08 KB)
First of all, does the code from the instructable work?
Secondly, please read the stickies at the top of the forum about how to post code.
Third, those modules are stretched to do 4000bps. It's far safer to run them at 2000.
Fourth, rename the thread title to name your actual problem, not just "can't figure out why it happens".
yes, sorry for the mistake
yeah it can be uploaded into the arduino
but the result isn't like the tutorial
the transmitter led had blink
but the receiver don't do nothing
is there any chance that the program isn't complete?
thanks a lot
The VirtualWire library has been deprecated (that means "not recommended for new development") for many months. It was replaced by the RadioHead library from the same author.
Did you see this Instructables comment from the original author?
[Mohannad Rawashdeh](http://"http://"http://www.instructables.com/member/Mohannad Rawashdeh"") (author) sdcharle
a month ago
exactly , and you can check my new article for the same rf using radio head library
I recommend you try the new article rather than trying to get the old code to work.
oh yeah sorry for the amateur question
thanks for the advice
i'll promise not to repeat the mistake
here the code and the wiring diagram i use
i want a simple communication between my transmitter part and receiver part
i use 2 arduino uno
1 arduino uno is used for transmitter and the other for receiver
when the transmitter transmit data, led in d13 will blink for certain second
when data is receive by receiver in 1 cm away from transmitter, the led d13 in receiver parts will blink also copyiing the transmitter
please help me
thanks very much
programming.txt (1.08 KB)

yeah i saw it
but the comment said that they are success to flow the intruction.
thanks a lot for the links
i will try as soon as possible and share the result
Check for wiring errors. Post a photo of your hardware if you can.
while i'm uploading my transmitter, i get this notification but it still uploaded anyway.
here the notification
C:\Users\Acer\Documents\Arduino\sketch_may30c\sketch_may30c.ino: In function 'void loop()':
C:\Users\Acer\Documents\Arduino\sketch_may30c\sketch_may30c.ino:11:11: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*' [-Wwrite-strings]
controller="1" ;
C:\Users\Acer\Documents\Arduino\sketch_may30c\sketch_may30c.ino:16:11: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*' [-Wwrite-strings]
controller="0" ;
Sketch uses 2858 bytes (8%) of program storage space. Maximum is 32256 bytes.
Global variables use 225 bytes (10%) of dynamic memory, leaving 1823 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 2048 bytes.
and here the photo of my hardware
sory the photo size is too big
it can't be uploaded

when data is receive by receiver in 1 cm away from transmitter, the led d13 in receiver parts will blink also copyiing the transmitter
Is that not what the receiver is supposed to do? Is your only complaint that the range is very poor? My guess would be that your transmitter or receiver is not tuned properly. Since you can get them cheaply (three sets for $7: https://www.amazon.com/Aukru-Wireless-Transmitter-Receiver-Raspberry/dp/B019SX6Y22/ref=sr_1_11) it might be easiest to get get some new ones.
My guess is that you have missed something in your wiring. You can usually select different image sizes in the camera/cell phone app, or you can downsize it using Gimp or even Windows paint. Please make the effort, as I'm reasonably sure that we will be able to see the problem.
For example, did you attach antennas to your receiver and transmitter? We can't see.
Also please load and run example sketches from Virtual Wire and use those to test, instead of your code. It will isolate the problem to hardware or software.
sory for the long post
i think i know the mistake i made
the rf i bought is really-really cheap
about $2
my friend bought it too and have the same results even he is have a programming ability
we are tried 5 rf and the results is the same
thank you very much for the helping
i'm really appreciate it
i will make another
thanks for the lesson
No, I have a huge collection of those cheap RF transmitters/receivers. I've never had any problem with them. You never answered the question about antennas. That is probably your problem. Please pay attention to the replies or you won't get useful help.
No, I have a huge collection of those cheap RF transmitters/receivers. I've never had any problem with them. You never answered the question about antennas. That is probably your problem. Please pay attention to the replies or you won't get useful help.
thanks for the reply
i will post my hardware to you
but i have a question
is the rf will affected by laptop if near them?
thanks for the reply
i will post my hardware to you
but i have a question
is the rf will affected by laptop if near them?
Yes, many computers emit RF interference at close range. It will decrease the sensitivity of the receiver, and therefore the range.
But it is not likely the source of your problem.
Did you check your antennas and reduce the bit rate to 2000bps?
Yes, many computers emit RF interference at close range. It will decrease the sensitivity of the receiver, and therefore the range.
But it is not likely the source of your problem.
Did you check your antennas and reduce the bit rate to 2000bps?
sory for the long reply
i have figure it out what happens
the rf is actually not works because it broken
i had check with a new rf that i bought from somewhere else and it works properly
thanks so much for your guidance