So I ran this example in I2C earlier and it was working fine but for my project I need to work in SPI. I'm just trying to load the SSD1327 example in SPI mode. I cut the bridge between J1 and J2 on the back of my OLED per the instructions I'm trying to follow. Any help is super appreciated. I'm assuming my problem is with my wiring or my first few lines of code as choosing between using software and hardware SPI mode is confusing.
You knew how to post code in this thread
So why have you gone back to posting code as an image?
And a wiring list is not a schematic. It is great for someone to follow that has no skils but just useless when it comes to seeing what you have and what mistakes you have made.
I've provided an image of both my physical wiring and what the tutorial tells me how to wire it. If you have a schematic (which I would also be following blindly as someone with no skills) of a Seeeduino XIAO to a Adafruit Grayscale specifically then by all means provide it. Im sorry about my code formatting, I will edit the post when I get a chance. If you could reply with a solution to my actual problem instead of critiquing everything else, that is welcome.
I can only help you with what is wrong if I know what you have done.
OK that is new information that I need to know. I, and anyone else on this forum, can only know what you tell us.
That involves seeing all your code and trying it out on my systems to see if I can work out what is going on.
Remember the vast majority of people here are volunteers giving their time for free in order to help others but we can only help if given the right information. You photograph is not as helpful as you think it is because we can't see both ends of each wire. A photograph like that and a schematic would at least allow us to check you have wired it like you intended.
I am assuming you do not have any test equipment like an oscilloscope that would allow you to check the basic signals are going up and down correctly. Generally we have and if we could run your code on our equipment we would be able to check that.
If you are interested this is how I connected an SPI device to my XIAO
In this case I was connecting to a BMP183 pressure sensor but the connections to your display will be the same. Make sure all your libraries you use are at the latest release.
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