i want a led to fading for half cycle of potentiometer and after half cycle i want decrement how can i do this??????
Welcome to the forum.
Please read the first post in any forum entitled how to use this forum.
http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php/topic,148850.0.html .
I can understand the fading bit, but what do you want to decrement?
Do you want a LED to go from off to bright in the first half of a potentiometer turn and go from bright to off in the rest of the turn?
In the Arduino IDE, look up in Examples, Basics, Fade and also ReadAnalogVoltage.
Both will show you how to start your code.
If you already have some code started, can you please post it?
i want a led to fading for half cycle of potentiometer and after half cycle i want decrement how can i do this??????
Look into the 'map' function and potentiometers