Cant find Serial Port (Grayed out on Mac)

Hello, I am a rookie at all of this, and I am having issues with uploading my code to my ESP8266 Board because I can't find the serial port to export the code. The serial port is not showing up on the drop-down menu. I am running mac os 10.14 at the moment, and not really sure how to fix this issue

Drivers not installed correctly. What serial adapter does your ESP8266 board use? Probably a CH340G or CP2102 - look for a chip with those markings near the USB port, then google your operating system version, that part number, and the word drivers. IIRC there was some big mess about mac driver compatibility for CH340G, but that was solved many months ago and working drivers are available.

I am running into this kind of problem as well, running mac 10.14.2 with Arduino v1.8.8. In my searching for an answer I found that it should be a driver problem, so I found the latest version of CH34x v1.5, installed it, rebooted and yet it still wouldn't show up. So then in accordance to what I was reading up on I uninstalled and re-installed the driver again. Still nothing and this was with reboots. The only ports that are still showing up are bluetooth, SOC, and MLU ports. I am using a Leonardo R3 board and am connecting through a usb3 adaptor to a usbC adaptor if that helps or complicates the matter. I do know that the cable is functional as I have used it to plug in my external hard drive.

So what I am asking is, if it is a driver issue, was I installing the wrong driver, and if so, which one would I need?

Read this:
I think your problem is that you're installing the driver. Mojave comes with the working drivers pre-installed. When you install the non-working drivers you break CH340 support.

Thank you for the heads up! But after doing as instructed, running

sudo su
rm -rf /Library/Extensions/usbserial.kext

After shutting down for a good 20 seconds I turned my machine back on and it is still is not showing up. Could it also be because I do not have the proper programmer? It is currently set to ArduinoISP. Thank you so much for your time.

Tools > Programmer menu selection doesn't make any difference in this case. That setting is only used when you do Tools > Burn Bootloader or Sketch > Upload Using Programmer.

I've tried downloading new drivers and it hasn't worked

My serial port works with a Wemos D1 Mini, but not with a ESP8266 Node MCU board. It just seems bizar to me that one board works but the other doesnt

Look at the USB to TTL serial adapter chips on both boards to see which model they are. On the D1 Mini, the chip is on the bottom side of the board, next to the USB jack.

Wemos mini is V2.2.0 and the node mcu is this link (

Sorry I soldered the board in so i cant see the bottom

Thats a cp2102 serisl adapter

The WeMos D1 Mini most likely uses the CH340 USB chip. The NodeMCU you linked to uses a CP2102. So the fact that one board works but another board with a different chip doesn't work doesn't tell us anything other than that the USB cable you're using with the NodeMCU is good.