Can't get Arduino to work

Hello. I recently started using Arduino and bought a smart car from keyestudio. It came with an Arduino Uno clone and I've had immense trouble trying to get it to work.

For a long time my computer was simply not recognizing it was there but I finally managed to download and find the drivers. I downloaded the CP210 driver from silicon labs and finally the Arduino worked. I spent a few hours trying something things making the LED light up and such and had no problems.

Then, suddenly it ceased working again. When I attempt to upload anything to it it simply says programmer is not responding (same thing it did before when I couldn't get the board connected). I uninstalled and reinstalled the drivers but still nothing. They worked an hour ago, and I see no reason why it should suddenly stop working. But I can't find any solution anymore.

Did you look for hidden devices in devman when you uninstalled?
What exactly did it do before it died?
did you check ports?
Is the chip snug inside?
have you tested cable?
Is there any oxidation anywhere?
What OS?

It's on a Mac book pro, my PC was having problems seeing it was there as well.

It shouldn't be a cable problem as I've tried a couple now, and I've made sure it's plugged in properly

Before it died I was testing a couple programs for the smart car and then ran into one that wasn't working because I didn't have some library I needed. Spent a while looking for it on their website, then downloaded unarchiver to unzip the file and then when I retried the program the arduino wasn't recognized anymore.

I'm not really sure what it means to look for hidden devices in devman

check your access to arduino before using,
check your port,it may be there,
check your wires correctly
this will solve it

What voltages are present, did you change any wiring? A schematic as you have wired it may help, a frizzy picture is useless.

/dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART Serial Port (USB) is the port I'm using. It's the only one there is and it's the one that was working before but now doesn't seem to be. Wiring doesn't seem to be a problem. I haven't changed of them since it was working before.

maybe the uno C port is bad?

Tis a windows thing, nvm
If it didnt have a lib, it wouldn't even try to upload
I would reinstal the Arduino software, and retry
You must have solved it by now tho :slight_smile:

Hint: posting a schematic will probably get you the help you need.

thanks for the tip

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