Hi, I recently got an Arduino starter kit that comes with the Uno and I have been unable to successfully connect it to a number of platforms. I have a MacBook Pro and everything was fine until I tried selecting a serial port, many showed up but none were usb. So I tried installing a CH34X driver as it solved the problem for Macs with High Sierra (my laptop is running Sierra 10.12.6) and a FTDI driver and had no luck as no new serial ports showed up. I then tried switching over to Windows with Apple Bootcamp and for the serial port selection there it only showed the greyed out port selection so it was not possible to see any ports. I thought that might've just been a Bootcamp issue so the last thing I tried was getting the Uno to connect to a windows desktop and I only got the same greyed out serial port selection that I received before. I would really appreciate if someone has a way to get the Uno to work in the OS operating system but a windows fix would work too. If anyone needs any more information to help please let me know.
Examine the board and determine what serial adapter it uses (instead of blindly installing drivers for serial adapters that may or may not be the one on your board).
Look at the black chip near the USB port - it will (likely) either be CH340G, CP2102, or 16u2.
16u2 uses official drivers, otherwise, you may have to download the drivers for it separately.
There was another report of an Arduino Uno starter kit coming with a 16u2 that doesn't have the firmware on it to act as a USB serial adapter, and which thus starts up in DFU mode; I dont know how to check on mac, but on windows it shows in device manager as DFU - see this thread and see if your board is doing the same thing. If (and only if) it is, you can probably use Atmel FLIP to install the firmware. Arduino Uno not recognized - Installation & Troubleshooting - Arduino Forum
Ok I honesty don't know what I did but I went into the system report section of system information for the Mac and it started showing up as a communication device then I retried the connection and /dev/cu.usbmodem1461 showed up as a serial port. So thanks for suggesting I look into the Mac equivalent of device manager.