Can't get ILI9325 panel to work, backlight only

Hi all =)

during my latest looting of eBay i also bought an ILI9325 controlled 2.8" touch tft screen. I have successfully powered the backlight but other than that i haven't had any luck yet.

It appears i'm dealing with an Elecfreaks TFT01_28 (looks exactly like it, plus it boast the same controller) and according to their wiki ("_TFT_LCD:_TFT01-2.8) i'm supposed to use it with Henning Karlsen's UTFT. I downloaded that, hooked it up in various ways and still can't get it to work. The wiki tells me it's a 16bit lcd.

I'm using the following connections on my Arduino Pro Mini 16Mhz 5v running on 3.3v (runs fine with SPI screens, no issues there).

TFT => Arduino
DB0-7 => D8-15
DB8-15 => D0-7
RS => 19
WR => 18
CS => 17
RSET => 16 or Arduino Reset (no difference)
RD => supposed to be pulled high to 3.3v so it's connected to that directly
VCC => 3.3v / VCC pin on Arduino
LED A => 3.3v / VCC pin on Arduino

I have tried a myriad of different connections too. DB0-7 to ground with ILI9325D_8 as model in the UTFT init command. DB8-15 to D0-7, even tried Adafruit's TFTLCD and their connections:

DB0 => D8
DB1 => D9
DB2-7 => D2-7
CS => A3
CD / RS => A2
WR => A1
RD => A0
RSET => A4 or Arduino Reset (no difference)
VCC => 3.3v / VCC pin on Arduino
LED A => 3.3v / VCC pin on Arduino

I have used a default example of the UTFT library (UTFT => Arduino AVR => UTFT_Demo_320x240), only the initialiser has been altered (ILI9325D_8, ILI9325D_16, TFT01_28, ILI9325C) all with mixed an matched with the different connections too, for good measure.

I have also the example code that Adafruit's TFTLCD library comes with which is supposed to log the controller number back to the serial monitor, but all that gives me is the number 2525 ("Invalid controller chip: 2525" iirc).

I seriously have no other ideas. Some people have told me to grab a shield that plugs into an Uno R3 and then put this screen on that shield but i'm stubborn and i'm convinced that a simple 16bit parallel tft based on a ILI9325D should work just fine without a shield. Right?

Link to screen on eBay:

To answer my own question, for future reference and for anyone else dealing with this problem, i solved my problem. Apparently RX1 and TX0 on the Pro Mini boards are not D0 and D1 but D1 and D0 respectively. As soon as i switched those two cables my display started working.

On the Pro Mini RXI is D0, TXO is D1. Look at the schematic.

Remember that when connecting boards via serial RX on one board connects to TX on
the other and vice versa.

Any idea why these pins are labeled RXI and TXO?

To answer my own question, for future reference and for anyone else dealing with this problem, i solved my problem. Apparently RX1 and TX0 on the Pro Mini boards are not D0 and D1 but D1 and D0 respectively. As soon as i switched those two cables my display started working.

Maybe the person who made your Pro Mini labelled them wrong. Those pins are a hard-wired function of the Mega328 chip.

Doubt it, it's an official Sparkfun Pro Mini. Plus look at this picture from the "Arduino Products" page:

Same there. There must be some sort of reasoning behind that namingconvention.

Well, I'll be a son of a gun....

I just ran "Blink" on pin 0 and pin 1 of a pro mini and the pins ARE reversed.

Pin 0 is the one labelled "RXI" and it's between pin 1 ("TXD") and pin 2.


is it still possible to connect a rotary encoder as these digital pins are all taken?

Not sure which pins you mean, but the analog pins can be used as digital if this helps,
for instance:

  digitalWrite (A0, HIGH) ;

Incidentally to reduce the confusion above:

The pins are marked correctly on the Pro Mini. RXI = Receive Input, TXO =
Transmit Output.

RXI = D0
TX) = D1

They are not in the same order along the edge connections as you might
expect from the other Arduino pins, but they are correctly labelled. so running
along that edge from the 6-pin header the pins are D1/D0/RESET/GND/D2/D3/D4/...

thank you Mark. My question is really newbie one don't be surprised...
together this screen with 4 or 5 analog inputs (sensors) AND a rotary encoder. I read all analog were connected at the same pin, only adresses differ? but here it may be too much with the screen...

Also thanks for clarifying pin nomenclature this post was usefull