This has been bugging me for the last 3 weeks now. I cant get my Arduino RP2040 to stop crashing every minute. Even with Basic Code, which works fine without IoT functionality, But as soon as I try to run it with the Cloud, it doesnt work.
Looking at the Serial Monitor when it first starts, It works, gives me values, doesnt show on the dashboard, but anyways as soon as the first disconnect happens nothing comes out anymore
Sketch generated by the Arduino IoT Cloud Thing "Untitled"
Arduino IoT Cloud Variables description
The following variables are automatically generated and updated when changes are made to the Thing
String message;
float average_Moisture;
float humidity;
float moisture1;
float moisture2;
float temperature;
float water_Level;
int moisture_Level_Activate;
int moisture_Level_Target;
CloudSchedule schedule;
bool pump;
Variables which are marked as READ/WRITE in the Cloud Thing will also have functions
which are called when their values are changed from the Dashboard.
These functions are generated with the Thing and added at the end of this sketch.
#include "thingProperties.h" //Including of IoT Library
#include "DHT.h" //Including of DHT Sensor Library
#include <Wire.h> //Including of I2C Connection Library
int RELAY_PIN = 14; //setting the relay pin to the integer 6
int MOISTURE1_PIN = A3; //setting a moisture sesnor pin to the integer A1
int MOISTURE2_PIN = A2; //setting a moisture sesnor pin to the integer A2
const int dry = 786; // value for dry sensor
const int wet = 391; // value for wet sensor
#define DHTTYPE DHT22 // setting the DHT type to DHT22
#define DHTPIN 15 // Defining the Pin used for DHT-Sensor
DHT dht(DHTPIN, DHTTYPE); //Setting up the DHT Function with the defined Type and Pin
//Sourced from
unsigned char low_data[8] = {0}; //Initialising of Array 1x8 in sized, filled with the value 0
unsigned char high_data[12] = {0}; //Initialising of Array 1x12 in sized, filled with the value 0
#define NO_TOUCH 0xFE //Defining of an Adress
#define THRESHOLD 100
#define ATTINY1_HIGH_ADDR 0x78 //Defining of an Adress
#define ATTINY2_LOW_ADDR 0x77 //Defining of an Adress
void getHigh12SectionValue(void) //Sourced from
memset(high_data, 0, sizeof(high_data));
Wire.requestFrom(ATTINY1_HIGH_ADDR, 12); //get 12 bytes through I2C connecion from the named adress
while (12 != Wire.available()); //as long as there aren't 12 bytes, don't do anything
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) //for every integer i, below the value of 12, every execution with 1 added
high_data[i] =; //Fill the array space i with the I2C connection read value
void getLow8SectionValue(void) //Sourced from
memset(low_data, 0, sizeof(low_data));
Wire.requestFrom(ATTINY2_LOW_ADDR, 8); //get 8 bytes through I2C connection from the named address
while (8 != Wire.available()); //as long as there aren't 8 bytes, don't do anything
for (int i = 0; i < 8 ; i++) //for every integer i, below the value of 12, every execution with 1 added
low_data[i] =; //Fill the array space i with the I2C connection read value
float checkWater() //Sourced from
int sensorvalue_min = 250; //define lowest value of measuring tolerance
int sensorvalue_max = 255; //define highest value of measuring tolerance
uint32_t touch_val = 0; //variable in which the number of bytes with a high value is equivalent to the number of touched sections of the sensor
uint8_t trig_section = 0; //counter of 1 in touch_val
for (int i = 0 ; i < 8; i++)
if (low_data[i] > THRESHOLD)
touch_val |= 1 << i;
for (int i = 0 ; i < 12; i++)
if (high_data[i] > THRESHOLD)
touch_val |= (uint32_t)1 << (8 + i);
while (touch_val & 0x01)
touch_val >>= 1;
return (trig_section * 5);
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600); // Initialize serial and wait for port to open:
dht.begin(); //boots the DHT sesnor connection
delay(1500); // This delay gives the chance to wait for a Serial Monitor without blocking if none is found
initProperties(); // Defined in thingProperties.h
ArduinoCloud.begin(ArduinoIoTPreferredConnection, false); // Connect to Arduino IoT Cloud
setDebugMessageLevel(4); //Setting the debug message level for the network and IoT cloud connection to 2 (the lower the less information and vise versa)
ArduinoCloud.printDebugInfo(); //Outputs the errors onto the Arduino Cloud
pinMode(RELAY_PIN, OUTPUT); //Setting the relay pin as an output
pinMode(MOISTURE1_PIN, INPUT); //Setting the first moisture pin as an input
pinMode(MOISTURE2_PIN, INPUT); //Setting the second moisture pin as an input
void loop()
ArduinoCloud.update(); //Updates the Cloud Variables
temperature = dht.readTemperature(); //using the DHT Library, temperature is updated using the read command
humidity = dht.readHumidity(); //using the DHT Library, humidity is updated using the read command
moisture1 = map(analogRead(MOISTURE1_PIN), wet, dry, 100, 0); //map function compares the read analog value, to where it is between 100%(wet) and 0%(dry)
moisture2 = map(analogRead(MOISTURE2_PIN), wet, dry, 100, 0); //map function compares the read analog value, to where it is between 100%(wet) and 0%(dry)
average_Moisture = ((moisture1 + moisture2) / 2); //creating an average value for comparisons
water_Level = checkWater();
if (water_Level < 20 && water_Level > 10) //Message output when the Water level is between 10% and 20%
message = "Please Refill Water Resovior";
if (water_Level < 10 && water_Level > 1) //Message output when the Water level is between 10% and 1%
message = "Water Level Critical! Please Refill Water Resovior";
if (water_Level == 0) //Warning Message when the Water level reaches 0
message = "Water Resovior Empty! Please Refill Water Resovior";
pump = false; //pump is turned off to prevent damage
if (moisture_Level_Activate >= moisture_Level_Target) //the minimum must be lower than the target
message = "Error: Target Soil Moisture cannot be lower than the Minimum Moisture";
if (average_Moisture < moisture_Level_Activate) //Checks if the Moisture level over the 2 sensors is below the minimum
message = "Soil Moisture below Minimum, Pump Activated till Target Reached";
while (average_Moisture < moisture_Level_Activate) //Pump will be active as long as the moisture is below the target
pump = true;
pump = false; //After the moisture has reached the Target, the pump will turn off
pump = false;
if (schedule.isActive()) //the Schedule Variable Type works similarrly to a PWM, Calculating how long
//the pause is between the set on time. if statement will then only activate when the variable become a active signal
message = "Scheduled Watering: Pump Activated till Target Reached"; //Message updated to activity
while (average_Moisture < moisture_Level_Target) //code below will be active as long as the average moisture is less than the target
pump = true; //pump will turn on
pump = false;
else //when the schedule variable is no longer active;
pump = false; //pump will turn off
delay(2000); //Delay of 2 seconds to allow Sesnors to be effectively read, below 2 seconds will result in inaccurate sensor readings
//above 2 seconds will effect the feedback of the entire system
Serial.print("Temperature: ");
Serial.println( " Celcius");
Serial.print("Humidity: ");
Serial.println( " %");
Serial.print("Moisture: ");
Serial.println( " %");
Serial.print("Water Level: ");
Serial.println( " %");
Since Pump is READ_WRITE variable, onPumpChange() is
executed every time a new value is received from IoT Cloud.
void onPumpChange() {
if (pump) //if the bool pump is True
digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN, HIGH); //Set the relay pin to High
else //else if it is False
digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN, LOW); //Set the relay pin to Low
This code works perfectly fine if I upload it using IDE 2.2.1 and I remove the IoT Stuff and just use Serial to output all the values. I thought it was because of the I2C Water Level Sensor but no, same issue without it all. The Issue surely lies with Arduinos Cloud.
Someone please help me Im starting to the get fed up with this and regretting paying for a year subscription to the service, that I cant even get to work