New to Arduino, I have tried to make a for or a while loop to do a delay, instead of the delay() function. Have tried a LOT of values but the LED remains HIGH, it works if I use the delay() function. Note that I'm not going to use this code as delay, I just tried it and now I can't understand what goes wrong.
Board is a Nano Every, I use Arduino IDE, Fcpu = 8MHz.
const byte ledPin = 13;
byte ledState = HIGH;
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
unsigned long i = 0;
// read the state of the switch into a local variable:
//enaState = digitalRead(sw1);
//dirState = digitalRead(sw2);
while (i < 10000000)
ledState ^= 1;
digitalWrite(ledPin, ledState);
i = 0;
But why ? Because you heard that using delay() is bad ?
Well, using a loop of any kind to replace it is equally as bad!
Using delay() can be bad because it blocks the Arduino from performing other tasks, and simply wastes time. Using a loop to replace delay is bad for the same reasons.