Hi all, I am really struggling with the WiShield (the arduino board itself worked great right out of the box)
I use the WebServer sketch provided in the library examples which is part of the WiShield drivers and libs, all compiles well and uploads to arduino board, super cool so far but i get no wifi signal (i changed all the ip and ssi as described in the tutorials)
all the tutorials and post say that the LED which is on the board should go on when the initialisation is done...I never had the LED to go on...
I tried to change the spi.h as mentioned in one of the threads in this forum and got the LED to go on...but could not get no wifi signal...
I believe there is some conflict in the use of the ports/pins in spi.h but honestly this is where I stop understanding what i am doing
You can't get signal to router?
Are you using WEP?
I had problems connecting to my router, so I had to manually reserve an ip address for the wishield.
I don't know what kind of router you have but find a way to reserve the ip address since the wishield is a static device and cannot handle DHCP(auto configured by router).
Once that is done then try to reconnect. When it is connected to network the LED will come on steady. Then use the example sketch to see if it works and use a PC or Mac connected to router and type in the ipaddress of the wishield and u should get a webpage.
If you have WEP64 bit encryption on your router. Then you will need to reconfigure g2100.c file to accept this encryption, and delete the associated .o file so that it can generate a new object file to complete the changes made.
I got it to work for me using the example sketches but I have to no clue how to output and input so that arduino responds to the actions( very new to this wishield).
So anyway good luck and keep me posted, maybe someone can provide a tutorial on how to program this device.
Ok cool, I hope it works well for you... If you can figure out input/ output from webpage to arduino, then provide a tutorial. I am completely clueless with interfacing using HTML,... and wife and kids are keeping me busy at the moment.
I thought about using GUI to interface with wishield....
Anyways post your status. Thanks.
Ok cool keep me posted. If you can figure out input/output using HTML to arduino, share the knowledge. I am completely clueless to HTML with the wishield.