Cant import my library

in my folder whith sketch there is 2 files:

#include "Arduino.h"
#include "car.h"

car::car() {
    // Инициализация, если необходимо

void car::moveForward() {
    analogWrite(3, 255);
    analogWrite(7, 255);
void car::moveBackward() {
    analogWrite(4, 255);
    analogWrite(5, 255);
void car::stop() {
    analogWrite(3, 0);
    analogWrite(4, 0);
    analogWrite(5, 0);
    analogWrite(7, 0);

and car.h:

#ifndef car_h
#define car_h

#include "Arduino.h"

class car{
    void moveForward();
    void moveBackward();
    void stop();


when i import:
#include <car.h> (also tried "car.h" whith that brakets)
but encountering err: Compilation error: car.h: No such file or directory

one more step i tried is put both files in one "car" folder and moved it to the libraries arduino folder which included other folders whith libraries
but it didn't work either

I created your .h and .cpp files in the folder of this sketch

#include "car.h"

void setup() 

void loop() 


and it compiles for me
Note the format of the filename in the #include which forces the compiler to look for the library in the sketch directory

Please post an example sketch that does not compile

well, i reloaded arduino ide, and all worked up
but thanks anyways_/-0-_