I following each step in the Guide (http://arduino.cc/en/Guide/ArduinoWiFiShield) and have uploaded the exemple code in the guide "Scan for available networks". I have tried it with Arduino IDE 1.0.2 and the 1.0.5. Nothing works =( In the serial monitor I only get the message "Initializing Wifi" and nothing more..
What is wrong? Is the shield broken? Do I need some external power to the shield? Right now I'm just using the USB cabel between the computer and the Arduino UNO.
Any suggestions? I have "googled" for hours now and still not even close to a solution..
I did as you said but the serial monitor display nothing.. not "wifi shield not present" or the firmware version. I tried it on both Arduino IDE 1.0.2 and 1.0.5.
I tested to add the code-line serial.print("Hello"); just before the if (Wifi.status() ... line and then the monitor displayed "Hello" but no status or firmwire version regarding the Wifi shield.