Hey guys,
you have to help me a little bit.
I'm trying to code a Laptimer for RC-Cars with an Arduino UNO, combined with a LCD and a DIY SD-card-reader to log the data.
It's working pretty well, I got a menu in which I can chose presets or even edit these, and most important: an operating laptimer with the ability to store each individual laptime at the SDcard.
But not any longer.
Since about one week I am unable to get the bord writing onto the SD because SD.begin(10) always returns FALSE.
By the way, I'm using the SD.h library.
The weird thing about this is: I changed nothing at the circuit, and as I sad everything worked fine some weeks ago...
Already re-formated the SD, and I dont think the reader itself is damaged.
Someone got ideas to solve?
Thank you so much
(I'm from Germany, so sorry for my English )