Can't install USB drivers on Windows 7 64bits

This is driving me nuts. I can't figure out how to properly configure USB port on my Windows 7 64 bit machine. Nop matter how do i do it or which drivers do i download, it' doesn't seem to work. Tried everything. Did some one can't give me and advice???

This is just happening on my 64 bits version 'cause on my home PC which is 32biots works like a charm. Even on my daughter's Windows 10 laptop. It keep sayin "!Unknown Device" or "!COM#".

I've used the CH341SER drivers, moved drivers from old Arduino installations, custom CDM v2.12.28 WHQL Certified drivers and nothing works.

Any advice will be welcome. Thanks!!!!


it was purchased in Mexico. This is the original link..

As for the numbers: on the silver plate: "16.000" on the black/gold chip: "506J"

Thanks again.