cant load blink test after arduinoISP sketch

hi I used my UNO clone to load the ArduinoISP and bootload a Duemelinove

that went good and the Duemelinove is running the blink sketch just fine

now I want to revert back to normal and im trying to load the UNO back with the blink sketch but I keep getting an error

Binary sketch size: 1,084 bytes (of a 32,256 byte maximum)
avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00

I have tried using IDE




all to no avail

what am I doing wrong


Did you remember to switch the board back to UNO before uploading? The UNO uses a faster baudrate than the Duemilanove.

Did you add anything to the UNO to disable Auto-reset while you were using it as an ISP? You have to re-enable Auto-reset to upload sketches (or use a manual reset).

Did you remember to switch the board back to UNO before uploading? The UNO uses a faster baudrate than the Duemilanove.

Did you add anything to the UNO to disable Auto-reset while you were using it as an ISP? You have to re-enable Auto-reset to upload sketches (or use a manual reset).

yes I set the board to UNO

I made the UNO myself so I added a auto reset jumper and that was installed

Anyone got any ideas please

Post the verbose output from an upload attempt.

I know what verbose is but I only know in UNIX how to do it using -v command

how do I do it with arduino upload


File + Preferences has 2 check-boxes to enable verbose output.

here we go

it was too large to post so I added it to a txt file

it was too large to post so I added it to a txt file

No, you didn't. That would have involved the Additional Options link and attaching the file to your post. Instead, you posted it to a spam site.


it was too large to post so I added it to a txt file

No, you didn't. That would have involved the Additional Options link and attaching the file to your post. Instead, you posted it to a spam site.

you feeling alright

that's not a spam site that's my PERSONAL dropbox account

A few possible causes:

The Arduino is not resetting when the serial port is opened.
The Arduino does not have a bootloader on it.
The Arduino has the wrong bootloader on it (i.e. not the standard one for a UNO).
The Arduino fuses are wrongly set.
The Arduino is not connected correctly to the USB interface (for example due to other hardware being connected to the serial pins).

A few possible causes:

The Arduino is not resetting when the serial port is opened.
The Arduino does not have a bootloader on it.
The Arduino has the wrong bootloader on it (i.e. not the standard one for a UNO).
The Arduino fuses are wrongly set.
The Arduino is not connected correctly to the USB interface (for example due to other hardware being connected to the serial pins).

I suspected for a long time that the bootloader or fuses could be at fault but had no way to check until 10 mins ago

also if I wanted to do the -f override what is the avrdude cmd command to load a hex


my USBASP has just arrived

I have looked at the chip and the Device signature for it is 0x1e9514 and AVRDUDE does not like it

I have another chip and that's fine with a device signature of 0x1e950f

maybe I could try reflashig the bootloader as this chip with incorrect sig was a preloaded chip I got where as the correct sig chip was a blank that I loaded

I have looked at the chip and the Device signature for it is 0x1e9514 and AVRDUDE does not like it.

I think that is the signature for an ATmega328, not the ATmega328P expected in an Arduino UNO.


I have looked at the chip and the Device signature for it is 0x1e9514 and AVRDUDE does not like it.

I think that is the signature for an ATmega328, not the ATmega328P expected in an Arduino UNO.

you are indeed correct I didn't even notice that

can a duemilanove have a 328 as i can swap the chips over and reflash the bootloaders

im very surprised at that as the seller assured me that i was gonna get a UNO preloaded 328

can a duemilanove have a 328 as i can swap the chips over and reflash the bootloaders
im very surprised at that as the seller assured me that i was gonna get a UNO preloaded 328

I think the Duemilanove also uses the 328P.


can a duemilanove have a 328 as i can swap the chips over and reflash the bootloaders
im very surprised at that as the seller assured me that i was gonna get a UNO preloaded 328

I think the Duemilanove also uses the 328P.

your right is does as i did switch them over

with that's said though i have changed to the 328P on the UNO loaded Optiboot and its working fine

i can upload sketches just fine

btw is there any use for the 328 chip

what board can i keep it for

or shall i just bin it