Cant Measuring Load Cell 50 Kg SEN-10245

Hello , Im newbie here . Ive a project from my school .

I have 1 load Sensor Load Sensor - 50kg SEN-10245 With 3 Cable (black , red and white ) .
but i cant get the value if i get value using analogread() .

ive already trying to seach on google , but many of them using load sensor with 4 cable (red , black , white and green ) and using HX711 ADC .

so , i should using HX711 ?
how wirring with HX711 if the cable just 3 ?

i hope someone can help me ......

this my wirring .

You should get an A/D value of ~512 with that setup, not 1023.
Try swapping the red and the white wire, and post back.

A load cell has only a small variation in resistance.
I doubt that you can see more that two or three A/D values difference if you put weight on the load cell.

So you need an amplifier.
A HX711 breakout board is commonly used.

Your picture shows a half bridge cell. A 4-wire load cell is a full bridge.
You need a full bridge for the HX711.

You can use two of those 3-wire cells to make a full bridge.
Or you can use two 1k resistors to make the other half of the bridge.

Google "half bridge load cell" (pictures) for examples.

Load cell outputs are at the microvolt level, you always need an appropriate instrumentation amp
chip to use them.