OK, the new IDE id a beta for Windows, Mac, and Linux, but installing the Linux one don't work. I have Ubuntu 13.10 and have the 1.0.3 IDE that don't work on an RFduino. I tried downloading the 1.5.6 tarball, open it up, and and find an executable. Try it, and it's 1.0.3. And a "you're not root" error message. When I try to load up the RFduino, the sketch compiles but won't upload. Make sure to align the needed serial port via USB, and no dice.
Note my machine is a 32 bit machine. Since 1.5.6 is a beta, how long until the bugs (or the biggest bugs anyways) are fixed and a "real" release is released? Maybe the RFduino is just too new and only almost Arduino compatible. I tried the blink sketch after editing it to try pin 0 and no dice.
please download: http://downloads.arduino.cc/arduino-1.5.6-r2-linux32.tgz
and extract. then download the rfduino master from GitHub - RFduino/RFduino and extract into /arduino-1.5.6-r2/hardware/arduino and rename RFDuino-master to RFDuino.
in the RFDuino folder, open platform.txt and select replace all '' with '/' and save file.
open the arduino folder arduino-1.5.6-r2/ and type 'sudo ./arduino ' this will run the local arduino program without relying on the intallation. I hope this works for you
henningz - that got me one step closer! RFDuino is now available in Tools > Board and the examples appear in File > Examples however when I go to upload any example sketch I get the following error:
Sketch uses 16,872 bytes (12%) of program storage space. Maximum is 131,072 bytes.
/home/david/arduino-1.5.6-r2/hardware/arduino/RFduino/RFDLoader: 1: /home/david/arduino-1.5.6-r2/hardware/arduino/RFduino/RFDLoader: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
I am new to both arduino and rdfuino, so I'm unsure where the issue lies...