Can't run program Help!


I can't run this program in Arduino software.

i got this error:

Can anyone solve this program error to work this code? :frowning:

Driving two stepper motors with an Arduino through
Sparkfun's EasyDriver v4.3
By Ben Leduc-Mills and Dustyn Roberts
Created: 2010.06
#include Stepper.h //import stepper library

#define STEPS 200 // 360/1.8 (step angle) = 200 steps/revolution
//declare new stepper objects from stepper library (one per motor)
Stepper right_motor(STEPS, 6, 7); //6=DIR, 7=STEP
Stepper left_motor(STEPS, 11, 12); //11=DIR, 12=STEP

void setup() {
//set motor speeds (in RPM)

void loop() {
//step each motor every time through the loop
delay(10); //gives the motor a chance to get to new step

Error massage:

sketch_apr27a.ino:7:10: error: #include expects "FILENAME" or
sketch_apr27a:11: error: 'Stepper' does not name a type
sketch_apr27a:12: error: 'Stepper' does not name a type
sketch_apr27a.ino: In function 'void setup()':
sketch_apr27a:16: error: 'right_motor' was not declared in this scope
sketch_apr27a:17: error: 'left_motor' was not declared in this scope
sketch_apr27a.ino: In function 'void loop()':
sketch_apr27a:22: error: 'right_motor' was not declared in this scope
sketch_apr27a:23: error: 'left_motor' was not declared in this scope

It's difficult to imagine a much clearer error message.

error: #include expects "FILENAME" or

Tell me what:

#include stepper.h

does. I know what

#include <stepper.h>

does, and I know what:

#include "stepper.h"

but perhaps you can teach me what your version does.

but perhaps you can teach me what your version does.

I can. It generates this error message:

error: #include expects "FILENAME" or

Wasn't hard at all. Next time, try a more challenging assignment.

I want to run this code here:

My version Arduino 1.0.5-r2

I want to run this code here:

Permission is hereby granted.

Although, since that code is crap, as has already been explained, why you persist is unclear.

It isn't rocket science to figure out that the instructable author is an idiot, and left out two characters. Nor is it rocket science to figure out what those two characters are. The error message told you EXACTLY what to change.