Can't run the Webserver program

Hello everybody,
I start to use the arduino ethernet shield and can't run the example code (WebServer).
I have got an arduino uno and a ethernet shield connected together, I put the example code inside the arduino. My problem is that the program block at the line "server.begin();".
I put Serial.println before and after this line and see just the first Serial.println.
So i think the program is locked at this line. Is somebody could explain me this behaviour and find the solution?

Thank you for your help.

Which Ethernet shield do you have? w5100, W5200, or W5500? Maybe even enc28j60?

It's the W5500.

Have you downloaded and installed the new Wiznet library?

I use the Arduino IDE 1.5.x version, and it works great with all versions of the Wiznet ICs.

The standard IDE ethernet library supports only the w5100.

No, i did it and now it's OK.

Thank you for your help :slight_smile: