ive got my 328 in a bare board situation nothing attached to pins Tx or Rx (apart from usb/ttl converter) i cant seem to get any serial data from the ic im using a usb/ttl converter ive got two and cant get anything out of either any ideas please?
Do you have a sketch running on the 328? I have to ask, as you have completely failed to provide any useful information.
hi yes sorry i have, i can see data but it is a very small amount of what it should be and is complete garbage
Sorry, Sherlock is on holiday today.
You're going to have to talk us through it.
i have the program running, usb to ttl converter connected to pins tx rx, 2/3 nothing else, serial enabled, and i cant see any serial data apart
from very small amounts of data, that looks like mixed up numbers/letters
You can't see serial data, we can't see anything.
This looks like a case of the partially-sighted leading the visually-impaired.
Show us the sketch.
Show us the output.
Show us the schematic.
ok panic off, no gnd was connected from usb/ttl converter, lots of serial data now