Happy new year all! I have a little problem - nothing too crazy. I found some code which lets you wake up the arduino with a pin 2 interupt and I plan to use it with the watchdog timer. The problem is the interupt only seems to work when I comment out my call to system_sleep(), i.e. when the Arduino is put to bed I can't wake it up (the watchdog can if I enabled it). I'm using a Mega 1280 and I think I've probably done something stupid; any ideas what I've done wrong would be appreciated?
#include <avr/sleep.h>
#include <avr/power.h>
#include <avr/wdt.h>
int interrupt_pin = 2;
int led_pin = 13;
volatile int toggle = 0;
volatile int f_wdt = 1;
#ifndef cbi
#define cbi(sfr, bit) (_SFR_BYTE(sfr) &= ~_BV(bit))
#ifndef sbi
#define sbi(sfr, bit) (_SFR_BYTE(sfr) |= _BV(bit))
// This is our button interrup
void pin2Interrupt()
toggle = 1;
void setup()
pinMode(led_pin, OUTPUT);
/* Setup the interrupt pin */
pinMode(interrupt_pin, INPUT);
attachInterrupt(0, pin2Interrupt, FALLING);
cbi( SMCR,SE ); // sleep enable, power down mode
cbi( SMCR,SM0 ); // power down mode
sbi( SMCR,SM1 ); // power down mode
cbi( SMCR,SM2 ); // power down mode
// setup_watchdog(7);
Serial.println("Initialisation complete.");
void loop()
if (toggle == 1) {
digitalWrite(led_pin, !digitalRead(led_pin));
if(f_wdt == 1) {
digitalWrite(led_pin, !digitalRead(led_pin));
f_wdt = 0;
// set system into the sleep state
// system wakes up when wtchdog is timed out
void system_sleep() {
// cbi(ADCSRA,ADEN); // switch Analog to Digitalconverter OFF
set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN); // sleep mode is set here
attachInterrupt(0, pin2Interrupt, FALLING);
sleep_mode(); // System sleeps here
sleep_disable(); // System continues execution here when watchdog timed out
// Re-enable the peripherals.
// sbi(ADCSRA,ADEN); // switch Analog to Digitalconverter ON
// 0=16ms, 1=32ms,2=64ms,3=128ms,4=250ms,5=500ms
// 6=1 sec,7=2 sec, 8=4 sec, 9= 8sec
void setup_watchdog(int ii) {
byte bb;
if (ii > 9 ) ii=9;
bb=ii & 7;
if (ii > 7) bb|= (1<<5);
bb|= (1<<WDCE);
MCUSR &= ~(1<<WDRF);
// start timed sequence
WDTCSR |= (1<<WDCE) | (1<<WDE);
// set new watchdog timeout value
WDTCSR = bb;
// Watchdog Interrupt Service / is executed when watchdog timed out
ISR(WDT_vect) {
f_wdt=1; // set global flag