Can't to use tone and NewPing together.

i have try the other way, but still cant to use tone and newping. anyone can help?thanks before

this link have same problem, but i still cant to run it
link : Using New Ping library and TONE together - Programming Questions - Arduino Forum

skripsi.ino (3.37 KB)

Since your sketch doesn't use ping_timer(), you can simply configure the library to not use timer 2, and thus avoid the conflict with tone() that's causing the error:"__vector_7"%20Error


File > Examples > NewPing > NewPing15SensorsTimer

Sketch > Show Sketch Folder

Navigate up two folder levels.

Open the src subfolder.

Open the file NewPing.h in a text editor.

Change line 170 from:

	#define TIMER_ENABLED true      // Set to "false" to disable the timer ISR (if getting "__vector_7" compile errors set this to false). Default=true


	#define TIMER_ENABLED false      // Set to "false" to disable the timer ISR (if getting "__vector_7" compile errors set this to false). Default=true

Save the file.

Try compiling or uploading your sketch again.