Im having trouble getting the UGS file to load , I have the GRBL uploaded in the Arduino library but the ugs script will not execute and I can’t figure out why. UGS seems to try and load but stops for some reason .When I run serial monitor I get nothing .In Tools my programmer is set to ArduinoISP is this the problem? If so what should it be ?If not what am I doing wrong?
Thank you for the assistance
You might need to expand a little on what your are currently trying to do.
First off have you loaded GRBL to your board ?
Suggest version 1.1.
There are plenty of tutorials on the web to load GRBL and almost all of them work fine.
I use both classic and the newer UGS here almost exclusively.
May be good to know which one you are using.
Arduino as ISP is almost certainly the wrong thing to be having as a programmer BTW.
You can use blank lines to make your problem a little more readable too.