Cant upload a script over the air


I am currently trying to use OTA for my ESP8266.
The script is the "BasicOTA" with custom authentication.
The wireless- port is available, but when i am trying to upload a script via the wirelss prot, the following error message pops up:

14:15:36 [ERROR]: No response from device
Failed uploading: uploading error: exit status 1

Tell the IDE which COM port to use.

Don't post screenshots. Most of us can't read them.


Do you read the forum rules?
Do not use screenshots, insert the code and error messages AS TEXT, adding the code tags.

oh okay

how to?
can't find any instructions for this.

Explore the tabs up in the IDE window. Using the phone now I think it's in tools tab. Usually the IDE finds the Arduino, if it is in order.

Uploads to an ESP via OTA don't use COM ports.

They use network ports that show up in the Arduino IDE as, for example...
ESP8266-1234567 at
and not as COMxyz

Another example:

OTA? Okey, I learned something new.

Do you have an idea whats the problem with my setup is?

Same thing happened to me after I got a new computer. Unfortunately, I don't remember exactly what I did to get it to work. Sorry. Leaky old brain. But I found the solution in some of the first hits from Googling

arduino esp8266 ota no response from device

May have been the same problem that @SteveMann encountered (public vs private network), but I don't recall for certain.

You can try following this guide ESP8266 OTA with Arduino IDE | Random Nerd Tutorials

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