Can't upload sketch to Arduino Nano when having a 3v3 plugged in

So I'm having a strange issue where I have a mpcie breakout board, and I'm feeding it 3v3 power & ground using the pin provided on the Arduino. The breakout board receives power and the proper voltage. Only when I'm connected to pin 3v3, the sketch throws an error when trying to upload a new one.

avrdude: ser_setspeed(): tcsetattr() failed

I switched to the 5v pin and I'm using a voltage regulator to 3.3v and now the arduino can accept the upload and the board receives the right power.

Why would the upload fail when using the provided 3v3 pin?

Please post a link to the breakout board, and a photo of a hand drawn wiring diagram of your setup, with pins and connections clearly labeled. Identify the Arduino.

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Without knowing the details my wild guess is: your breakout board is drawing to much power from the Nano's 3.3V pin which is driven by the USB2Serial chip (FTDI if you're using an original Arduino Nano). This let the USB chip fail the USB connection breaks.

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