Can't upload sketch with the web editor


I start with Arduino and I would like to upload the Blink example on my board with the web editor.

I followed the start tutorial. I checked board and com port. They are OK.

When I click on the upload icon (-->), it start 'Busy' time, and when it finishes, I get any success or error message and the LED doesn't blink.

I noticed that the "Busy" step is quite long
and I got a strange "[object Object]" red pop up instead of green "successful" one.

I tried with the IDE on my computer, its worked well, then I've only issue with the web editor.

Could you please help me ? :confused:

(I attached a screen shot of the situation at the end of the "busy" step).

Thank you.

Previous report of the "[object Object]" issue:

For future reference, there is a forum section dedicated to the Arduino Web Editor (AKA Arduino Create):
where people knowledgeable on this topic are more likely to see your post. I have requested this thread be moved there so there is no need to make another post in that section.

hi, iam very new to hobby and i was not able to upload sketch to my first nano v3 due to same problem with web IDE. i just disabled my antivirus and it worked and blink sketch got uploaded

Antivirus is a very common cause of CREATE not working.
Thanks for the confirmation mianatif.

For a more permanent fix you should add the install locations to your AV's EXCLUSIONS list.


I think those are still the correct paths but you may have to check.
