and the time outs continue to the end and the board isnt updated.
i was playing with a bluetooth slave shield v2.1 pairing it with the pc prior to uploading, its sitting on a usb host v2 shield, with no gpio conflicts afaik. USB host uses d9-d13 +spi and the b/tooth uses d9 d1 d2..
i had the Btooth paired and was recieving the serial writes in a putty session from the sketch loaded on the board which wasnt accessing the usb host shield. Im now trying to load a usb host shield sketch.. and am failing..
please advise, i have restarted the ide and pc as well as numeress borad resets hard and soft..
its a mega 2560 board (sainsmart clone) correctly selected from the board type menu and on the usb cable com port not the b/tooth.
and the time outs continue to the end and the board isnt updated.
i was playing with a bluetooth slave shield v2.1 pairing it with the pc prior to uploading, its sitting on a usb host v2 shield, with no gpio conflicts afaik. USB host uses d9-d13 +spi and the b/tooth uses d0 d1 d2..
i had the Btooth paired and was recieving the serial writes in a putty session from the sketch loaded on the board which wasnt accessing the usb host shield. Im now trying to load a usb host shield sketch.. and am failing..
please advise, i have restarted the ide and pc as well as numeress borad resets hard and soft..
its a mega 2560 board (sainsmart clone) correctly selected from the board type menu and on the usb cable com port not the b/tooth.