Do you use the Arduino IDE that is included with that Fedora version ?
You can download version 1.0.3 and unzip it in a folder.
So you can remove version 1.0.1 from the package manager.
But you need the java and java-rxtx packages.
I also think that the link from acm0 to usb0 is not needed.
The Arduino Mega has problems with '!!!' characters in the code. You could try to write the bootloader with the newest Arduino 1.0.3.
You might want to try an Uno or Nano first, those cause the least problems.
You could even try to run the Windows Arduino in wine. But you need to make symlink for the serial port.
yes I am using the one with fedora. I changed the preferences file, there the device was set to /dev/ttyS0, I changed it to /dev/ttyACM0, atleast now I am able to upload the sketches. At times IDE changes the usb to acm0 and acm1. The rxtx error is still there
Another question, how much current can the 5v output pins provide that is there on the board. The normal digital out pins can give 40ma, but nothing is mentioned about the 5v pins. Power to the board is from usb.
If you use the newest version of java rxtx, it should run without errors.
I still think that the USB power it not enough. You could try an extra adapter.
The current available at the 5V pin on the Arduino depends on the power supply.
The onboard voltage regulator could get very quickly hot if the power supply is 12V.
With only USB powered, the 5V drops if too much current is used. I think 4.5V will still be okay.
So it is hard to say. I'm guessing that with a power supply of 6V or 7V about 500mA should be possible.