Cant upload to Arduino Pro 5V.

So we bought a couple

Arduino Pro - 5V/16MHz

and a Arduino Serial USB Board for the interface.

Problem is that we cant upload to it.. we checked the wiring and the serial Port setting. Used the Duemilanove board setting /168.

Anyhelp would be greatly appreciated.
We dont want to return (12) Arduino Pro - 5V/16MHz to sparkfun.

What error message did you get? And what machine/OS are you using?

avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00
avrdude: stk500_disable(): protocol error, expect=0x14, resp=0x51


using Arduino 0014

Did you select the correct Arduino board from the pull-down menu?

Arduino Mini Pro 5V/16MHz is identical to Diecimilia and Duemilanove 168. Sounds like you're doing the right thing there. Don't choose the low-voltage / low-speed variants from the board menu.

Also, you say you're using the blue Italian breakout, but if you're using the red SparkFun FTDI breakout, you will have to adapt it to provide a full 5VDC to the chip, as it normally assumes you have a 3.3V board. See the photo I added to this thread.

Using the blue one I linked.

After a bit more reading I suspect its the blue Arduino Serial USB Board that is the problem. THere is no DTR pin for a reset.