Same thing is happening to me, I m using Arduino nano ESP 32 , The device is connecting because I gave the connections before, but I cant upload the program to the device, it only shows he compiling option. Also it is not allowing me to click the revert to old editor. When clicking nothing happening.
Can you try clearing your browser's cache, restarting it and trying again? Make sure you have not exceeded the number of things and devices that your subscription plan support. Check Arduino Cloud Plans and Benefits
Hi @naife_jaleel.
I just wanted to add a note that this specific aspect of the report is caused by a known bug, which occurs when you have an Arduino Cloud IoT Thing sketch open in Cloud Editor. Access to the "old" Cloud Editor will be removed soon, which will obviate the problem. So this bug will not be fixed and only the "new" editor can be used with Arduino Cloud IoT Thing sketches from now on.
So the focus should be exclusively on the primary problem you are reporting:
For that problem, please follow the advice already provided by "@Dozie and let us know whether that resolves it.
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