Cant upload to the little blighter

I am a complete newbe to this so apologies if this was covered befor I found the forum.

I have 3 laptops

Number 1 Vista will not load the serial drivers.

Number 2 Windows 8, well what can I say, freezes when I plug the bourd in...

Number 3 Windows 7, loads the software and the com port drivers COM 9 and I can load the example file Blink 1

it complies ok

When I try to upload it I get the following error message

avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x54

It has taken me 5 hours to get nowhere, Please help as my sanity is being questioned.

I am using a Leonardo

Many thanks


Number 3 Windows 7, loads the software and the com port drivers COM 9 and I can load the example file Blink 1
it complies ok
When I try to upload it I get the following error message
avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x54

What is selected under Tools / Board?

What is selected under Tools / Serial Port?