I'm trying to get started with the Web Editor.
Recently I just upload a library that's needed for my air quality project. I zip the library and upload it.
And I get the message:
Libraries that could not be uploaded: [] library.properties not found
After few minute research, I put a library.properties file in there, it successfully uploaded.
but the weird things happen here, when I try to use the sample code in the library, it said:
Using library wavesharesharpdustsensor-master at version 1.0.0 in folder: /tmp/774189247/custom/wavesharesharpdustsensor-master
In file included from /tmp/774189247/DustSensor/DustSensor.ino:2:0:
/tmp/774189247/custom/wavesharesharpdustsensor-master/WaveshareSharpDustSensor.h:7:22: fatal error: arduino.h: No such file or directory
#include "arduino.h"
compilation terminated.
exit status 1
seems like it is requesting a .h file, but there is already one in the library.
here is the url of the library I used( didn't include library.properties):GitHub - ItKindaWorks/wavesharesharpdustsensor: Arduino library for Waveshare's Sharp Infrared Dust Sensor breakout board
Any ideas?
Wen Chi
July 15, 2019, 1:08am
The author of that library spelled Arduino.h wrong. They are probably using Windows and so they didn't notice the error, since Windows is filename case-insensitive. However, Arduino Web Editor runs on Linux, which is filename case-sensitive, so you need to get your filename case right.
You can fix it by:
On your computer, open WaveshareSharpDustSensor.h in a text editor.
Change line 7 from:
#include "arduino.h"
#include "Arduino.h"
Save the file
Zip the fixed library.
Import the fixed .zip file to Arduino Web Editor. When it prompts you about whether you want to replace the existing library, confirm.
July 15, 2019, 1:12am
I submitted a pull request to the parent repository of that fork to fix the bug:
← per1234:include-case
opened 01:12AM - 15 Jul 19 UTC
On a filename case-sensitive operating system like Linux, use of the incorrect f… ilename case in an `#include` directive causes compilation to fail:
/tmp/774189247/custom/wavesharesharpdustsensor/WaveshareSharpDustSensor.h:7:22: fatal error: arduino.h: No such file or directory
#include "arduino.h"
Thank you so much, It did solve the problem !
Now I can easily upload it to my Arduino, Thank you again !
July 15, 2019, 4:01am
You're welcome. I'm glad to hear it's working now. Enjoy!