Capacitive touch sensors on Arduino R4 minimal

Hallo everybody,

I developed an application on Arduino UNO utilizing capacitive touch sensor as pushbuttons.
Now , mainly for memory occupation problem, I decided to migrate to Arduino R4 minima.
But I did not find any library to manage capacitive touch buttons. I suppose that Renesasa microcontroller has a different philosophy to manage this feature and I would like to know ;

  1. form the hardware point of view what's the required configuration?
  2. Is there any library to manage ?

Thanks a lot for an answer


On the back of the Minima is a small heart shaped solder pad. This is a touch controller input.

This is a proper touch sensor, not the sort of toy library that you have probably been using.

So search for how to use this, there are plenty of videos and articles about this on line.

This is one from this forum:

The Love pin

I got the Love Pin working as a cap sensor on this thread:

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Nice post, thanks. I will get round to testing it soon.

As to the original question, since this was posed I have used the MPR121 board to act as a 12 contact touch sensor. It works with the AdaFruit MPR121 library. This has an I2C interface.

As this device runs off a 3V3 voltage, I made the I2C bus run at this voltage. This was done by having the data and clock pulled up to 3V3 using a pair of 1K8 resistors.

If you use the AdaFruit MPR121 board this includes both pull up resistors and level shifters, so this could run on a 5V I2C bus. But these are not included on the cheaper eBay offerings.