I am planning to replace 2 toggle switches which are 3 position toggle switches with arduino and bluetooth module. These are suspension switches, where each of the toggle switches are for front and back. Each toggle switch has 3 positions, High Normal Low.
Circuit is open when it is in Normal.
How can i replace these toggle switches with arduino. I am aware of the method using a relay. But as the module will be inside the car, i don't want the clicking noise of the mechanical relay.
Can we program the arduino to be a switch where a code can engage High or disengage. The arduino is powered separately.
You can use Power Mosfets or Transistors instead of relays but what are you using as inputs ? The arduino still needs an input to switch outputs. You could use simple push button and a series of presses. 1 normal 2 front high back normal 3 front high back high 4 back high front low ..etc. the point is you still need some input otherwise you still have the 2 switches so why is arduino needed.?
Please post circuit of what you're trying to replace. I can't really imagine what you want to do. It sounds like it can be done with two MOSFETs or transistors and two output pins, but not all too sure.
I finished the project using 4 relays, Nano and HC-05. It works just like how I wanted to. Made an Android app for the Suspension.
Posting pictures below.