Car sensor data display project

Hi all,
This is my first attempt at coding and first time attempt doing arduino stuff. I have my code below. Basically my plan is to display 4 sensor data sets on the screen (4 row) with the name/bar graph/numerical value.

I have a few questions:

  1. Is there any obvious clean up someone can help me with? I know the timer can mostly be deleted and changed to a single line now that i know the 122hz modification of timer 2 works best. Maybe i can clean up the print commands to single ones for each line instead of so much cursor commands.

  2. Regarding the numerical values, if i wanted to make them come up as 1 decimal place, or 1 decimal place at 0.5 resolution, what would i need to do to change it? float or double functions?

  3. With the sensors, the pressure sensors are 3 wire and output a voltage which is easy to translate to ADC values, but the temperature sensors are 2 different ones. 1 sensor i plan to run 5v to and use a 200ohm resistor to read the voltage drop across. this gives a good voltage range due to the sensors low resistance range (18-323ohm).

The water temp sensor is part of the oem vehicle system, so the oem ecu i believe sends a 5v signal and earths at the ECU also. Then I gather there must be a pullup inside the ECU itself (must be a divider made somehow)? Im not sure, ill have to research this more to see if i can easily tap into it somehow without affecting the ECU readings.

  1. For these sensor readings, is it best to use the map function as done in my code below? The pressure sensors are linear so i think its ok, the temp sensors are mostly linear in the important areas (above 50deg c).

  2. Im thinking to add a second menu which i could switch to with a push button switch, maybe display the data in a different way. Not sure how to do this, any links to some standard code or libraries for push button commands and making a 2nd screen instance?

//included functions
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
#include <LcdBarGraph.h>

//pwm pin for temp driver must change pwm out to pin 11 or 3!!!
const int tempPin = 5;
const int pwmPin = 6;
const int divisor = 256;
int rawtemp = 0;
int stackpwm = 0;

//lcd setup
int lcdNumCols = 16;
int lcdNumRow = 4;

//sensor inputs
const int otempPin = 1;
const int fpressPin = 2;
const int opressPin = 3;
int wtemp = 0;
int rawotemp = 0;
int otemp = 0;
int rawfpress = 0;
int fpress = 0;
int rawopress = 0;
int opress = 0;

//lcd bar graph instances, must change 11 and 3 to any other pins!!!
LiquidCrystal lcd(13, 12, 7, 6, 5, 4); 
// LCD driving pins, LiquidCrystal(rs, enable, d4, d5, d6, d7) 4bit  LiquidCrystal(rs, rw, enable, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7)8bit
LcdBarGraph lbg0(&lcd, 10, 4, 0);  // (&lcd, lcdNumCols used, start X, start Y)
LcdBarGraph lbg1(&lcd, 10, 4, 1); 
LcdBarGraph lbg2(&lcd, 10, 4, 2); 
LcdBarGraph lbg3(&lcd, 10, 4, 3); 

void setup(){
  // -- initializing the LCD
  lcd.begin(lcdNumCols, lcdNumRow);
  // -- do some delay: some time I've got broken visualization
  pinMode(otempPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(fpressPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(opressPin, INPUT);
  //setup pin modes for PWM temp driving
  pinMode(tempPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(pwmPin, OUTPUT);

//setup pwm frequency change to close to 100hz, must use pin 11 or 3 for this!!!
void setPwmFrequency(int pwmPin, int divisor) {
  byte mode;
    switch(divisor) {
      case 128: mode = 0x05; break; //result 245.098 hz
      case 256: mode = 0x06; break; //result 122.549 hz which is good, dash wants 100hz
      case 1024: mode = 0x7; break; //result 30.6373 hz
      default: return;
    TCCR2B = TCCR2B & 0b11111000 | mode;

//setup loop 
void loop()
  //set map for temp driver
  rawtemp = analogRead(tempPin); //set pin for temp input reading
  //settings for pwm output with map (input, min in, max in, min out, max out), Stack 70deg=236PWM 110deg=98PWM
  stackpwm = map(rawtemp, 323, 596, 236, 98); 
  analogWrite(pwmPin, stackpwm); //setting for pwm out (output pin, output function)
  //setup temperature and pressure readings
  rawotemp = analogRead(otempPin);
  otemp = map(rawotemp, 391, 939, 50, 150);
  lcd.setCursor(16, 1);
  rawfpress = analogRead(fpressPin);
  fpress = map(rawfpress, 102, 921, 0, 100);
  lcd.setCursor(14, 2);
  rawopress = analogRead(opressPin);
  opress = map(rawopress, 102, 921, 0, 100);
  lcd.setCursor(14, 3);
  wtemp = map(rawtemp, 110, 596, 0, 110); //setting output temperature for lcd
  lcd.setCursor(16, 0);
    // -- draw bar graph from the analog value readed
  lbg0.drawValue(analogRead(tempPin), 600);
  lbg1.drawValue(analogRead(otempPin), 939);
  lbg2.drawValue(analogRead(fpressPin), 921);
  lbg3.drawValue(analogRead(opressPin), 921);
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
  lcd.setCursor(19, 0);
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
  lcd.setCursor(19, 1);
  lcd.setCursor(0, 2);
  lcd.setCursor(17, 2);
  lcd.setCursor(0, 3);
  lcd.setCursor(17, 3);
  // -- do some delay: frequent draw may cause broken visualization
  //set map for temp driver
  rawtemp = analogRead(tempPin); //set pin for temp input reading
  //settings for pwm output with map (input, min in, max in, min out, max out), Stack 70deg=236PWM 110deg=98PWM
  stackpwm = map(rawtemp, 323, 596, 236, 98); 
  analogWrite(pwmPin, stackpwm); //setting for pwm out (output pin, output function)

You have a temporary driver? Maybe you should just wait until the regular driver gets back.

Or use a better name.

  1. Regarding the numerical values, if i wanted to make them come up as 1 decimal place, or 1 decimal place at 0.5 resolution, what would i need to do to change it?

Why would you want to print an int at 0.5 resolution? Or with one decimal place? Does 14.0 somehow magically convey more information or accuracy than 14?

Ill change the name of the temp driver to something understandable.

  1. Obviously 14.5 provides more accuracy in readings over 14 or 15. Its not required and wont assist in the project's effectiveness. I now understand what you're saying, its still an integer and would never return 14.5 as that is clearly not an integer.