I've got myself a basic car 4 position switch meant to be used as a normal switch, I know this is meant to be used with a specific circuit using a relay and a connection to battery, my intentions are pretty much using this as a normal switch being the last positions (starter) as a momentary pos
I noticed this switch does not have a ground connection, is there a way to wire this to be used as a normal 4 pos switch with my arduino
Cessnas use 5-position switches: Off, Left, Right, Both, Start.
Wire B to ground. Wire the other 3 wires to Arduino inputs with pullups enabled. That will get you 4 positions, but not 5. Maybe you could hack the mechanism to allow one more position. With 3 outputs, you have enough information to determine up to 8 unique positions.
B is battery, or the common.
ACC is the accessory line. It is powered from B when the switch is in the accessory or the ignition position.
IG is the Ignition line. It is powered from B when the switch is in the ignition or the start position.
ST is the start line. It is powered from B when the switch is in the start position.
(Just a guess from my experience of hot-wiring cars in the '60's. Fords were the easiest.)