Have one MAX7219 running an 8x8 martrix using MD_MAX72XX library. Working great.
Now trying to cascade 2 MAX7219 chips.
Searched forum and datasheet and now I think they are wired together properly.
Question 1. Do I need to change anything in lib.h, or .h or .ino files to turn on cascading in addition to #define MAX_DEVICES.
Question 2: Is there some bare bones code I can run to test my setup? There are many examples in MD_MAX72xx but they are complex. Would just like to turn on a row of LEDs across both matrices as a test and to learn how to control the MAX7219.
Have one MAX7219 running an 8x8 martrix using MD_MAX72XX library. Working great.
Now trying to cascade 2 MAX7219 chips.
Searched forum and datasheet and now I think they are wired together properly.
Question 1. Do I need to change anything in lib.h, or .h or .ino files to turn on cascading in addition to #define MAX_DEVICES.
Question 2: Is there some bare bones code I can run to test my setup? There are many examples in MD_MAX72xx but they are complex. Would just like to turn on a row of LEDs across both matrices as a test and to learn how to control the MAX7219.
thank you
seek and ye shall find.
duckduckgo.com search for "arduino sketches for max7219"
Question 1. Do I need to change anything in lib.h, or .h or .ino files to turn on cascading in addition to #define MAX_DEVICES.
Nothing else. Once you have changed the library header file for your LED atrix type, the number of matrices are set at run time.
Question 2: Is there some bare bones code I can run to test my setup? There are many examples in MD_MAX72xx but they are complex. Would just like to turn on a row of LEDs across both matrices as a test and to learn how to control the MAX7219.
The hardware testing example with MD_MAX72xx library is a simple example if you ignore all the text to help the user figure out what is happening.