je continue à partager mon expérience sur le rf1100se / cc1101.
Apres avoir configuré les registres ca se comporte un peu mieux :
-le 1er senddata ne bloque plus mais me renvoie un failed
-le 2eme senddata bloque mais je crois que c'est le comportement normal a moins de modifier le bon flag
j'ai vérifié quelques registres en lecture, je retrouve bien mes valeurs passées en écriture, donc coté SPI tout va bien à priori.
Un module complexe mais qui offre plein d'options possibles.
Prochaine étape : un senddata avec succès
ci dessous la sortie sur mon serial
device initialized
sent failed :(0
loop done
ci dessous le code
#include "EEPROM.h"
#include "cc1101.h"
CC1101 cc1101;
// The LED is wired to the Arduino Output 4
#define LEDOUTPUT 4
// counter to get increment in each loop
byte counter;
byte b;
// PATABLE (0 dBm output power)
//char paTable[] = {0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
// PATABLE (10 dBm output power)
char paTable[] = {0xC0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
* Let the LED Output blink one time.
* With small pause after the blink to see two consecutive blinks.
void blinker(){
digitalWrite(LEDOUTPUT, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LEDOUTPUT, LOW);
void config()
cc1101.writeReg(CC1101_FSCTRL1, 0x06); //0x06, // FSCTRL1 Frequency Synthesizer Control - IF:152.343Khz
cc1101.writeReg(CC1101_IOCFG0, 0x07); //0x07, // IOCFG0 GDO0 Output Pin Configuration - Packet received and CRC OK
cc1101.writeReg(CC1101_FSCTRL0, 0x00); //0x00, // FSCTRL0 Frequency Synthesizer Control - Freq offset
cc1101.writeReg(CC1101_FREQ2, 0x10); //0x10, // FREQ2 Frequency Control Word, High Byte - 433.999 Mhz
cc1101.writeReg(CC1101_FREQ1, 0xb1); //0xB1, // FREQ1 Frequency Control Word, Middle Byte
cc1101.writeReg(CC1101_FREQ0, 0x3b); //0x3B, // FREQ0 Frequency Control Word, Low Byte
cc1101.writeReg(CC1101_MDMCFG4, 0xf8); //0xF8, // MDMCFG4 Modem Configuration - BW: 58.035Khz
cc1101.writeReg(CC1101_MDMCFG3, 0x83); //0x83, // MDMCFG3 Modem Configuration - 9595 Baud
cc1101.writeReg(CC1101_MDMCFG2, 0x13); //0x13, // MDMCFG2 Modem Configuration - 30/32 sync word bits - Manchester disable - GFSK - Digital DC filter enable
cc1101.writeReg(CC1101_MDMCFG1, 0x22); //0x22, // MDMCFG1 Modem Configuration - num of preamble bytes:4 - FEC disable
cc1101.writeReg(CC1101_MDMCFG0, 0xf8); //0xF8, // MDMCFG0 Modem Configuration - Channel spacing: 199.951Khz
cc1101.writeReg(CC1101_CHANNR, 0x00); //0x00, // CHANNR Channel Number
cc1101.writeReg(CC1101_DEVIATN, 0x15); //0x15, // DEVIATN Modem Deviation Setting - 5.157Khz
cc1101.writeReg(CC1101_FREND1, 0x56); //0x56, // FREND1 Front End RX Configuration
cc1101.writeReg(CC1101_FREND0, 0x10); //0x10, // FREND0 Front End TX Configuration
cc1101.writeReg(CC1101_MCSM0, 0x18); //0x18, // MCSM0 Main Radio Control State Machine Configuration - PO timeout: 64(149-155us) - Auto calibrate from idle to rx/tx
cc1101.writeReg(CC1101_FOCCFG, 0x16); //0x16, // FOCCFG Frequency Offset Compensation Configuration
cc1101.writeReg(CC1101_BSCFG, 0x6c); //0x6C, // BSCFG Bit Synchronization Configuration
cc1101.writeReg(CC1101_AGCCTRL2, 0x03); //0x03, // AGCCTRL2 AGC Control - target amplitude: 33dB - Maximum possible LNA + LNA 2 gain - All gain settings can be used
cc1101.writeReg(CC1101_AGCCTRL1, 0x40); //0x40, // AGCCTRL1 AGC Control - LNA gain decreased first
cc1101.writeReg(CC1101_AGCCTRL0, 0x91); //0x91, // AGCCTRL0 AGC Control - Medium hysterisis - Filter Samples: 16 - Normal AGC operation
cc1101.writeReg(CC1101_FSCAL3, 0xe9); //0xE9, // FSCAL3 Frequency Synthesizer Calibration
cc1101.writeReg(CC1101_FSCAL2, 0x2a); //0x2A, // FSCAL2 Frequency Synthesizer Calibration
cc1101.writeReg(CC1101_FSCAL1, 0x00); //0x00, // FSCAL1 Frequency Synthesizer Calibration
cc1101.writeReg(CC1101_FSCAL0, 0x1f); //0x1F, // FSCAL0 Frequency Synthesizer Calibration
cc1101.writeReg(CC1101_FSTEST, 0x59); //0x59, // FSTEST Frequency Synthesizer Calibration Control
cc1101.writeReg(CC1101_TEST2, 0x88); //0x88, // TEST2 Various Test Settings
cc1101.writeReg(CC1101_TEST1, 0x31); //0x31, // TEST1 Various Test Settings
cc1101.writeReg(CC1101_TEST0, 0x09); //0x09, // TEST0 Various Test Settings
cc1101.writeReg(CC1101_FIFOTHR, 0x07); //0x07, // FIFOTHR RX FIFO and TX FIFO Thresholds - Bytes in TX FIFO:33 - Bytes in RX FIFO:32
cc1101.writeReg(CC1101_IOCFG2, 0x06); //0x06, // IOCFG2 GDO2 Output Pin Configuration - Sync word received/sent - end of packet
cc1101.writeReg(CC1101_PKTCTRL1, 0x04); //0x04, // PKTCTRL1 Packet Automation Control - No address check - Automatic flush of RX FIFO is disable - sync word is always accepted
cc1101.writeReg(CC1101_PKTCTRL0, 0x05); //0x05, // PKTCTRL0 Packet Automation Control - whitening is off - RX/TX data normal mode - CRC calculation in TX and CRC check in RX - Variable packet length
cc1101.writeReg(CC1101_ADDR, 0x00); //0x00, // ADDR Device Address
cc1101.writeReg(CC1101_PKTLEN, 0xff); //0xFF, // PKTLEN Packet Length
cc1101.writeReg(CC1101_MCSM1, 0x3f); //0x3F, // MCSM1 Main Radio Control State Machine Configuration
cc1101.writeReg(CC1101_PATABLE, paTable[0]);
* The setup method gets called on start of the system.
void setup()
// setup the blinker output
digitalWrite(LEDOUTPUT, LOW);
// blink once to signal the setup
// reset the counter
// initialize the RF Chip
b=cc1101.readReg(CC1101_FREQ0, CC1101_CONFIG_REGISTER);
b=cc1101.readReg(CC1101_FREQ1, CC1101_CONFIG_REGISTER);
b=cc1101.readReg(CC1101_FREQ2, CC1101_CONFIG_REGISTER);
Serial.println("device initialized");
* The loop method gets called on and on after the start of the system.
void loop()
byte blinkCount=counter++;[0]=blinkCount;
Serial.print("sent ok :)");
for(int j=0; j<blinkCount; j++){
Serial.print("sent failed :(");
Serial.println("loop done");