according to applicable EMC Directive 2014/30/EU (Link) , Arduino cards put on the European Market (European Union) to general public should bear the CE Marking (as described in EC regulation 765/2008).
Moreover from April 2016 on a suitable EU Declaration (former EC Declaration) signed by a representative located in Europe and mentioning compliance to a.m. EMC Directive and to the applied harmonized standards should be available.
For example this is the case for the similar Raspberry Pi product ranges. Since I am involved in the product conformity studies for a French IT Company highly interested in Arduino products I would be interested in obtaining this mandatory EU Declaration.
How may I get it ?
Thank you beforehand, Stéphane
I dont want to fight, but from the moment on everybody can buy it in Europe of course it is a consumer product and therefore definitively concerned by theses Directives ! Not respecting them would be a reason enough to put Arduino products away from European Union Market.
Anyway in the meantime I found that Arduino's own warranty page mentions CE conformity (refer to "All boards are labelled with the FCC and CE logo, as they meet the electromagnetic compatibility standards set in their respective jurisdictions. Arduino/Genuino products meet the essential requirements of EU Directive 2001/95/CE General directive on products safety and Directive 93/68/CE").
Issue here is that 2001/95/CE has nothing to do with EMC compliance and 93/68/CE completely obsolete, replaced by 765/2008 regulation. This statement is not an EU Declaration statement, either !
Indeed the mentioned presence of CE Marking on Arduino involves necessarily the need of the previous described EU Declaration ! Should it be really not possible to get it we may unfortunately be obliged to declare this critical issue to official competent European Market surveillance authorities.
And by the way to prefer the use of competitor products ...
You know this is a forum and the people here are just users of the product and do not represent the company, right?
What is your goal? Are you hoping to get Arduino to spend more money? Raise prices? Stop causing danger to consumers by being compliant with bureaucratic paperwork (as if that fixes anything)? Just wondering, I am not trying to be insensitive, I just have no idea why anybody would be interested in something like that.
@ StephChris38
How does the sale to anywhere in Europe of clones and multiple other items without CE or FALSE CE marks get through ?
The EU is to me a major reason many companies charge more to achieve the CE mark.
That cost is always passed on to consumers.
Maybe the reason non compliant items make up such a large part of sales from such as EBay ?
Your last line sounds like a threat to Arduino but I hope it was just bad phrasing on your part.
My own POV is the same as Spycatchers.
It is not meant for MASS distribution the same way cabbages and milk are. It is meant for hobbyists and experimenters. The outlets are certainly not as abundant as many other goods and that in and of itself tells me it is a niche market.
Good morning,
I am writing this comment to thank the Arduino team for their quick response to my request for information on CE marking documentation for the Arduino UNO Rev3 and Arduino Mega 2560 Rev 3 boards.
I sent the message today at 9:02AM and received a reply from Joyal John from the Arduino team at 9:38AM.
I didn't expect it, when things are done right you have to congratulate yourself.
The mail contained the statements of agreement of both cards that I leave here attached.
I reiterate my thanks for the quick response.
Best regards.
mega 2560 CE Declaration.pdf (119 KB)
The mail contained the declarations of conformity of Arduino UNO Rev3 cards that I leave here attached.
Which in my previous comment was not added.
Best Regards
UNO CE Declaration.pdf (112 KB)
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Thank you very much!! I will.
Best regards!