CH340 Arduino not recognised by any computer(Problem isnt the driver)

I recently made a project using l298n motor driver, HC-SR04 sensor, a clone Uno R3 with CH340 chip and a 12v battery pack to power the motor driver and the arduino. But while making my project on a bredboard i accidentally connected 12v power to HC-SR04 and smoke came out of it. While this happened, the sensors trig and echo pins were connected to the Uno board and it was running on an usb cable.I have never been able to use this board on any pc since then. Im sure the problem isnt with the drivers but my board is just not being detected by any pc. I did some research online and some say that you can fix it by burning a bootloader in it. Is it possible to fix it or is my arduino dead completely?
(btw when i connect my arduino to a power source a few leds on it light up but i just cant get it to be recognised by the pc or the arduino software.)

If the COM port doesn't show up after you plug the Uno in then burning the bootloader won't help.

Try programming via the icsp connector . The Ch340 chip
Is usually the first to die , so there’s a small chance it might still work that way .